The second quantum revolution

What does Bruckner's music have to do with quantum physics? A lot, you ask Philipp Haslinger. The experimental physicist conducts research at the Vienna University of Technology and has developed BruQner - The Sound of Entanglement.

Anton Bruckner's work has written music history and is known far beyond the country's borders. Austria is also internationally renowned for its contributions to quantum physics and quantum computing, not least thanks to the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics. The two worlds meet at BruQner: Using the musical contribution of quantum mechanical processes, striking passages from Bruckner's work are made audible in a new way. The result is a sensual symbiosis of music, visuals and modern research.

BruQner is one of the world's first attempts to work artistically with real quantum effects. Research based in Austria is leading the way in the development of quantum technology. BruQner is thus fully committed to the festival motto "Tradition, innovation and avant-garde". This makes us marvel, sit up and take notice of what the future potential in Bruckner's music could sound like.

The second quantum revolution as a musical spectacle in Linz's St. Mary's Cathedral
Lasers, mirrors, polarizers, non-linear crystals - this is what an experimental set-up from the high-tech laboratory will look like in the middle of the Mariendom in Linz. Entangled photons - the quanta of light - become conductors and direct Bruckner's Perger Prelude in a way that no human being in the world could. Two resounding church organs play live and fill the spectacular sound space of the cathedral. BruQner shows us a new view of our reality - a world premiere!

Clemens Wenger: musician, musical direction
Enar de Dios Rodríguez: artist, visual design
Martin Ringbauer: exp. Physicist, University of Innsbruck
Johannes Kofler: theor. computer science, JKU
Richard Küng: theor. computer science, JKU
Alexander Ploier: theor. computer science, JKU
Benjamin Orthner: exp. Physicist, TU Vienna
Philipp Haslinger: exp. Physicist, TU Vienna, Project Management

A project of the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024 in cooperation with Ars Electronica and with the kind support of
LIT-JKU, VCQ, University of Innsbruck, TU Vienna, SFB - beyondC
and City of Vienna Culture

LINZ - Mariendom
Wed. 04.09.24, 22:00
As part of the Ars Electronica Opening and the
24-hour birthday celebration for Anton Bruckner

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