Do. 18.04.24
Museum 1212
Sei Teil der Kunst! Komm mach mit: Anton und DU?!

Bruckner on Tour_Plopp! KUNSTAUTOMAT

Portrait of artist Helene Huemer creating artwork for the art vending machine.

The fact that you can get art from a vending machine just like chewing gum, snacks or drinks is no longer something entirely new. However, the inventor of the art vending machine, Helene Huemer, fills it with sculptures, medals, scrolls and drawings as well as comics in the style of Bruckner. The machine is now going on tour through Upper Austria and demands to be filled again and again by creative people. There is a hands-on table for both the young and old where YOU can give your creativity free rein. Get in on the art: model, stamp, draw, write poetry and let us teleport Anton Bruckner, the organ rock star, into the here and now. Insert a 2 euro coin, spin it and plop! You will be rewarded with a surprise such as an original work of art from regional & international artists or from one of the participants.

The workshop is accessible for those with impaired mobility.

All dates at a glance:
St. Florian - 04.05.2024

A project of the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Helene Huemer | Artist

with citizens, artists and associations

Schloßgasse 4 4470 Enns Details & Tickets

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