Bruckner for everyone!

The bridges to Bruckner have already been built - we invite you to cross them. Here we offer you a wide range of educational offers as well as comprehensive information, event tips and much more about the work and life of Anton Bruckner. Browse through our various categories to find the right offer for you, your family, your school classes or for groups. Discover the fascinating world of Bruckner's music and be inspired by his unique world of sound.

For children and families

Whether it's a children's book, vacation fun, a weekend excursion or a smartphone quiz: there's Bruckner for young and old!

For teachers

Do it like Bruckner - teach!
Materials, ideas and lots of music for teachers at all school levels.

For the inquisitively minded

From crash courses, exhibitions and book tips to an afternoon of adventure in a pub - curious visitors will find what they are looking for here.

For people with disabilities

Information and ideas about Anton Bruckner, inclusive and barrier-free.

For musicians

Do it yourself is the motto! This is the way to go for anyone who wants to raise their voice (or their instrument).

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