Bruckner Podcast

Anton Bruckner perspective

In the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024 podcast, we present projects and initiatives that are taking place as part of the Bruckner Year. In the episodes, you will learn exciting background stories and get to know our annual regent Anton Bruckner from different perspectives. We will talk about the places where he worked and discuss his most important stages and most significant compositions. We also want to find the answer to a specific question. Bruckner...genius or freak?

#worth listening to

More podcasts about Anton Bruckner

The crux of the matter

Bruckner on the couch - with Heidi Kastner and Norbert Trawöger

There is a widespread cliché that Anton Bruckner was an innovative composer but a difficult person. He attended a mental hospital and is considered a neurotic. In this episode, we put him on the couch - together with Bruckner expert and flautist Norbert Trawöger and forensic psychiatrist Heidi Kastner.

All right, classical music?

56 minutes Anton Bruckner

We are celebrating Anton Bruckner's 200th birthday. This program is all about the man and his music. The director of the Bruckner Orchestra Linz, Norbert Trawöger, approaches the man in conversation with Axel Brüggemann: his music is like a cave, a room flooded with light. His private life is more like an ambitious failure. Franz Welser-Möst explains the composer's music: you understand Bruckner better if you understand the soul of Upper Austria, he says. The podcast also visits the Bruckner exhibition at the Vienna National Library.

Radio FRO(h)sinn 024 - lets AnTon 'Brucknern'!

Radio FRO's 65+ department has selected the 200th anniversary of the genius loci for its annual project. And it has set itself the task of shedding light on the man from Ansfelden from a host of different angles: From the musical as well as the literary, satirical, anecdotal as well as the artistic points of view. This will include reports and features on Bruckner sites in Upper Austria including memorials and museums. Reports will also cover all of the possible and impossible events taking place in different parts of the state in connection with the European Capital of Culture 2024 which is running in a parallel fashion in the Salzkammergut.

How do you celebrate Anton Bruckner's 200th birthday, Norbert Trawöger & Ilona Roth?

DIE MACHER Career & Lifestyle Podcast

200 years and not a bit quiet. This or something similar could be the title on the invitation card for Anton Bruckner's 200th birthday celebrations. With his nine symphonies, he is one of the most frequently performed composers today. EVERYONE is invited to the birthday party! Where and how can you best join in the celebrations? That's what podcast host Susanna Winkelhofer wants to know. Ilona Roth, director, festival director, dance and cultural producer and Norbert Trawöger, musician and artistic director of the Bruckner Orchestra Linz, provide the answer in the latest podcast episode.

Anton Bruckner as a teacher

Program design:
Wilhelm J. Hochreiter for
Freies Radio Freistadt

This year we are celebrating the 200th birthday of Anton Bruckner. He is often the focus of attention as a musician. However, in the 72 years of his life, Bruckner was also a teacher for 14 years and a professor at the conservatory and university in Vienna for around 22 years. This program describes Anton Bruckner as a teacher and the school situation in his time. His situation as a child in Ansfelden, Hörsching and as a choirboy in St. Florian is described as well as his training as a teacher and his different living conditions as an assistant and teacher in Windhaag near Freistadt, Kronstorf and St. Florian.


A composition workshop

The Composition Workshop: Composing at a heavenly height (Komponieren in HIMMLISCHER HÖHE) aims to be a place that offers young composers space for exciting sound experiments in and with Austria's largest church. On the occasion of the two anniversaries, "100 years of St. Mary's Cathedral Linz" and "200 years of Anton Bruckner", it offers the extraordinary opportunity for an intensive exchange between young composers (born in 1998 and later) and professional musicians as well presenting sound artists with an exciting experience.

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