Sa. 15.06.24
Bad Ischl, Ebensee am Traunsee
Saline Ebensee
Ein Ereignis der Kulturhauptstadt Salzkammergut und Anton Bruckner 2024

Bruckners Salz

Markus Poschner conducting the Bruckner Orchester Linz, of which few musicians can be seen from behind.

A saltworks is where salt is extracted. And, there is no better place to get a taste of the basic crystalline structure of Bruckner's music. Numerous choirs from Upper Austria, the Bruckner Orchestra Linz and Markus Poschner convene in the vast production hall of the saltworks of Ebensee for a first-class and unique Bruckner event. Motets, symphonic parts, improvised and unexpected, will be presented in a very distinctive environment.

Special timetable E-special train ÖGEG on June 15, 2024:
Outward journey: Linz Hbf from: 15.32 hrs | Wels Hbf from: 16.00 hrs | Attnang-Puchheim from: 16.52 hrs | Gmunden from: 17.07 hrs | Steinkogel on: 17.31 hrs
Return journey:
Steinkogel from: 22.20 hrs | Gmunden to: 23.03 hrs | Attnang-Puchheim to: 23.23 hrs | Wels Hbf to: 23.50 hrs | Linz Hbf to: 00.15 hrs

€ 32,- normal price
€ 29,- Reduced price for KlimaTicket holders (no further discounts)

All-inclusive price for outward & return journey (also applies to all boarding points in Wels, Attnang-Puchheim and Gmunden), excluding refreshments on the train (bar service).

Important note: There is only a limited number of parking spaces for cars at the event site. We therefore ask you to form car pools if you are arriving individually by car.

Take a look at the programme of the Capital of Culture Bad Ischl - Salzkammergut 2024 under 'Details & Tickets'!

A project of the European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl-Salzkammergut 2024 in co-operation with the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024, the Bruckner Orchestra Linz and the Upper Austrian Choir Association. Our thanks goes to Salinen Austria AG.

Choirs of the Upper Austrian Choir Association

Alexander Koller | Management

Bruckner Orchestra Linz

Markus Poschner | Conductor

Steinkogelstraße 30 4802 Bad Ischl, Ebensee am Traunsee Details & Tickets

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