So. 22.09.24
St. Florian
Stiftsbasilika St. Florian
Internationales Brucknerfest Linz 2024

Thomas Hengelbrock & Münchner Philharmoniker

Thomas Hengelbrock © Florence Grandidier

Bruckner's Mass in F minor

Psalm 90 by Charles Ives, not only the longest, but unquestionably also a highlight among his ten psalm settings, is based on a work from 1894, which he revised in 1897-98 and, as it had apparently been lost in the meantime, reconstructed in 1923-24. The fascinatingly modern sound effects that Ives gains from the unusual instrumentation, in which four bells join the choir and organ, culminate in a 22-note cluster in the middle of the piece, which is both formally strict and stringently conceived.

Anton Bruckner's Mass (No. 3) in F minor was composed in Linz in 1867 and 1868, but already with a view to a premiere in the Vienna Hofburgkapelle, which, however, could only take place in St. Augustin in 1872 with the participation of the Hofmusikkapelle and conducted by the composer, as the court conductor Johann von Herbeck considered the work "too long and unsingable" . The mass accompanied Bruckner until the last years of his life. Over a period of around 25 years, he repeatedly subjected it to minor and major revisions. A letter to the conductor Siegfried Ochs dated April 14, 1895 shows how dear it was to his heart: "Bruckner is getting old and would still like to hear the 'F minor [Mass]'! Please, please! That would be the highlight of my life."

The exquisite soloists, the Munich Philharmonic Choir, the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, which has a wealth of experience with concerts in St. Florian, and the conductor Thomas Hengelbrock, who specializes in historically informed performance practice, will ensure that the performance of this mass will be a highlight of the International Brucknerfest Linz 2024 and will be heard for the first time in a concert organized by the Brucknerhaus Linz.


Charles Ives (1874-1954)

Psalm 90 for four-part mixed choir, bells and organ (1894, rev. 1897-98, 1923-24)

Anton Bruckner (1824-1896)

Mass (No. 3) in F minor for soloists, four-part mixed choir, orchestra and organ, WAB 28 (1867-68, rev. 1868-69, 1872-73, 1876-77, 1881, 1883, 1893)


Katharina Konradi | Soprano

Eva Zaïcik | Alto

Benjamin Bruns | Tenor

Jean Teitgen | Bass

Munich Philharmonic Choir

Munich Philharmonic Orchestra

Thomas Hengelbrock | Conductor

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