Mo. 06.05.24
bis So. 27.10.24
Di-So: 09:00-18:00
St. Florian
Stift St. Florian

Wie alles begann. Bruckners Visionen

Anton Bruckner felt at home in St. Florian Abbey where he was a choirboy. He was taught here and later taught himself. He also played the organ on the "Krismannin" in the collegiate church. In this place of the world, he searched for his own identity as an artist. He also returned here for good on his very last journey. At the abbey, for the very first time, the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024 exhibition showcases the various stages of the composer's life and work. It features a large number of documents from the abbey's archives. Three monumental pavilions in the abbey courtyard invite visitors to experience Bruckner's dreams and visions for themeselves through exciting multimedia presentations.

Further information on the exhibition, tickets, educationalal programme and barrier-free access can be found here:

Upper Austria KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Details & Tickets

A project of the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024 in cooperation with the Augustiner Chorherrenstift (Augustinian Monastery) St. Florian and the OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH

With the kind support of Oberösterreichische Versicherung

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