Anton Bruckner Run

The symphony of running

Anton Bruckner running trail & Anton Bruckner run

A new symphony will be created in 2024 and where else if not in Upper Austria, where "doing sport" in the varied natural surroundings has developed to become  a real mass movement in recent decades. It is also the  heart of the marathon "stronghold" and provincial capital of Linz, where the Linz Danube Marathon attracts up to 20,000 ambitious amateur runners from 80 nations to the spectacular start in the middle of the Voest highway bridge once a year. This symphony will be one of running and dedicated to Anton Bruckner and his work.


The Anton Bruckner running trail will start at the Brucknerhaus Linz and finish at the Old Cathedral!

The fact that Bruckner, in addition to his groundbreaking musical work and his attachment to the traditions of the Land ob der Enns, also paid particular homage to physical training and fitness, is one that has not been passed on. On the occasion of the 200th birthday of Upper Austria's great son, the Anton Bruckner running trail is more of an offer for the current generation. At the same time, however, it also invites people to rediscover the work of the famous composer: Based on the number of Bruckner symphonies, the distance is exactly nine kilometers, ground markings bearing the symbol of the anniversary "Anton Bruckner 2024" mark the course, and acoustic signposts allow the master's musical work to resound.

The 1st Anton Bruckner Lauf on November 3, 2024 will be the opening ceremony. As a fun run for all sports enthusiasts, held according to the rules of the Austrian Athletics Association, finishers can expect a special medal and a full refreshment bar in the start/finish area. The winners will also receive honorary prizes.

Following the competition, the Anton Bruckner running track will be opened to the public as a unique, free-to-use, permanent "symphony of running".


Anton Bruckner running trail and Anton Bruckner run
The symphony of running



Opening: 03.11.2024 Linz main square, near the old cathedral 

Concept, Production: LIVA Sport & Linz Danube Marathon


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