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Bad Goisern

Logo Anton Bruckner 2024 Logo Anton Bruckner 2024

Anton Bruckner in Bad Goisern 

1863-1880 Visits to organist Perfahl. Organ playing in both local churches. Coffee at the Gosaumühle on Lake Hallstatt.

Bruckner G'schichten from Bad Goisern on YouTube

Program under development

Events in Bad Goisern


Further dates in the series

06.09.24 - 06.09.24
Silent Echoes: Dachstein. (Vienna)
05.09.24 - 05.09.24
Silent Echoes: Dachstein. (Graz)
04.09.24 - 04.09.24
Silent Echoes: Dachstein. (Linz)
03.09.24 - 03.09.24
Silent Echoes: Dachstein. (Bad Goisern, Obertraun)

US artist Bill Fontana is developing a sound sculpture as an artistic statement on the consequences of climate change.

Until 16:30 Ascent with the Dachstein cable car (Obertraun, Winkl 34)
17:00 Meeting point Schönbergalm
Welcome by Elisabeth Schweeger (Artistic Director, European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024), Egon Höll (Mayor of Obertraun), Rupert Schiefer (Managing Director, OÖ Seilbahnholding GmbH), Norbert Trawöger (Artistic Director, OÖ KulturExpo Anton Bruckner 2024), Gerfried Stocker (Director, Ars Electronica Center Linz), Frank Madlener (Director, IRCAM), etc.
Program introduction by Bill Fontana (artist) and Wolfgang Schlag (music curator)
17:30 Entrance to the ice cave
18:00 Opening of the installation in Parsifal Cathedral
19:00 Departure to the Schönbergalm
from 19:30 Descent with the Dachstein cable car

Limited number of participants
Registration required at:

Accessible for those with impaired mobility:
Tourism Association Dachstein Inneres Salzkammergut

A project of the European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl-Salzkammergut 2024 in cooperation with IRCAM, Centre Pompidou, OÖ KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024, Ars Electronica Festival, Goiserer Musiktage, Kunstradio Ö1. thanks to: OÖ Seilbahnholding GmbH, Planai-Hochwurzen Bahnen GmbH With the support of: Institut français d'Autriche

Bill Fontana | Artist

Wolfgang Schlag | Curator

Peter Brugger | Co-curator and program manager Goiserer Musiktage

Christian Haselmayr | Programme Director of Music, Youth, Community Building

Dachstein Giant Ice Cave, Dachstein Cave World, Winkl 34 4831 Bad Goisern, Obertraun Details & Tickets

Further dates in the series

12.10.24 - 12.10.24
Bruckner whistles...! (Bad Goisern)
13.10.24 - 13.10.24
Bruckner whistles...! (Braunau)

What is an organ and how does this great instrument work? Who was the famous organist and composer, Anton Bruckner, who is celebrating his 200th birthday this year? Have you always wanted to play an organ? Then you've come to the right place. In a workshop you will learn everything about the fascinating organ and the birthday boy himself! A world-famous organist and composer. At the end, everyone can try their hand at playing the organ...

Free admission!

Upper-Austrian State Music Organisation (Landesmusikschulwerk)

Konstantin Walter Schrempf | Management

Pupils of the regional music school of Bad Goisern

Untere Marktstraße 10 4822 Bad Goisern

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