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Logo Anton Bruckner 2024 Logo Anton Bruckner 2024

Anton Bruckner in Hörsching

1835 moves to his godfather and cousin Johann Baptist Weiß, teacher and organist, for the purpose of musical training until 1837. Plays the organ as a substitute organist. First compositions.

Bruckner G'schichten from Hörsching on YouTube

Program under development

Events in Hörsching

The life of Anton Bruckner as a whole and his time in Hörsching will be presented as a combination of organ concert and recitals.
Works by the master himself and also by Johann Baptist Weiß, his teacher in Hörsching, will be performed. The short lecture sections from Bruckner's biography complement the musical pieces to form a whole.

Venue: the parish church Hörsching
Admission : voluntary donations

Parish of Hörsching

Klaus Sonnleitner | Organist at St. Florian

Dr. Elisabeth Maier | lBruckner expert, winner of the Upper Austrian Cultural Medal

Neubauerstrasse 2 4063 Hörsching

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