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Anton Bruckner in Schlierbach

During the stays in Kirchdorf Bruckner walks to the Filial Church of St. Ubald and plays on the organ from 1751.

Bruckner G'schichten from Schlierbach on YouTube

Program under development

Events in Schlierbach

A reminder of the 'organ hike' at the time and an opportunity to retrace this path.
In the spring of 1869, Anton Bruckner undertook a triumphant concert tour to France.
In July of the same year, an excursion took place with friends from Kirchdorf and Schlierbach, during which Bruckner played the monastery organ.
Alois Spannesberger, then secretary and later choirmaster of the Kirchdorfer Liedertafel:
"I am an enthusiastic music lover, have heard many fine things in Vienna, Linz and Salzburg etc., including many a good organist. But I will never forget this divine hour that Bruckner gave us with his sublime playing for the rest of my life."
The concert at the music school will feature original compositions by Bruckner and his contemporaries, as well as paraphrases and jazz improvisations on Bruckner themes.

Admission: voluntary donations

Municipality of Kirchdorf

Market community of Micheldorf

Community of Schlierbach

Regional music school of Kirchdorf

Sandra Föger

Students and teachers of the regional music school of Kirchdorf an der Krems

Kirchdorfer Liedertafel singing group 1852

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