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Anton Bruckner in Steyregg

In September 1856, the destination of an excursion with his lifelong friend Rudolf Weinwurm.

Bruckner G'schichten auf Steyregg on YouTube

Program under development

Events in Steyregg

The actress Gabriele Deutsch follows in the footsteps of Anton Bruckner. She reads from letters to and from Bruckner and tells stories from his life - amusing and touching. David Wagner and Hans-Georg Gutternig set Bruckner's music to music with piano, violin and wind instruments as you have never heard it before.

Opening by the Steyregg children's choir.

Voluntary donations

Cultural association of the "Theater- und Liedertafel Steyregg"

German Gabriele | Reading/Artist

Hans-Georg Gutternigg

David Wagner

Steyregg Children's Choir

Weissenwolffstrasse 6 4221 Steyregg Details & Tickets

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