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Anton Bruckner in Wilhering

Several summer vacations with organ playing at the monastery. Developing a fascination for an Indian monkey in the Palm House of the Paradise Garden.

Bruckner G'schichten from Wilhering on YouTube

Program under development

Events in Wilhering

This is a place where everything takes infinitely long, it is infinitely quiet, a place where mystery is strong. In this enchanted glade, the ten symphonies of Anton Bruckner resonate 666 times longer. A pause of one sole minute in Bruckner's music becomes a silence of eleven hours and six minutes. The rustling of the leaves, birdsong, the creaking of trees and the horns of distant ships are the real sound of Bruckner, namely the sound for him. An all-pervading mystery from 13 February till 10 November 2024. 

Not barrier-free!
Not suitable for buggies!

A project of the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Peter Androsch

Kürnberger forest, coordinates: 862J+P49; starting point: Hainzenbachstraße parking lot, Leonding

In this the 30th year of theaterSPECTACEL Wilhering, which also coincides with the first Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024, once again the programme boasts a world premiere. The commissioned work was initiated by the artistic director of the Bruckner Year, Norbert Trawöger, and the  composer, Rudolf Jungwirth. Karin Peschka, author and winner of the Upper Austrian Provincial Culture Prize for Literature, is writing the play, while the director of  theaterSPECTACEL, Joachim Rathke, will be directing the production.

About the play
Anton Bruckner, a composer known for his scurrility, spent several summer retreats at Wilhering Abbey where he encountered a monkey that was "imprisoned" in the Palm House. The monkey's name has not been passed on but the animal itsefl does actually make an appearance in one of Bruckner's symphonies. I wonder what the two had to say to each other...?

The auuthor, Karin Peschka, the composer, Rudolf Jungwirth, and the director, Joachim Rathke, have taken this curious episode as an opportunity to delve into the rich inner world of this borderline ingenious composer who was bursting with contradictions. Just like in the journey through time "MONKS" (2022), the audience will be part of a journey that will take them from the barn to the Palm House and into the church. "If you think you would enjoy an unusual, cheekily narrated journey through the wonderfully crazy dreams of Bruckner, you've come to the right place," the director, Joachim Rathke, comments.

With: Julia Frisch, Thomas Kasten, Henry Mason, Daniel Morales Perez, Simone Neumayr, Felix Rank, Matthäus Schmidlechner, Dörnbacher Chorgemeinschaft and many others.

Period of event:
09.07. - 02.08.2024, at 8:00 p.m. respectively

Public dress rehearsal on 09.07.2024, 20:00 
Premiere (world premiere) on 10.07.2024, 20.00 

Information about the hike:
Total distance: approx. 1 km / Duration of the performance with break approx. 2:40
The play is performed in the barn, in the church and in the Palm House.

The venues and routes are barrier-free. A free shuttle service will be provided to the venues for people who are not able to walk. Please let us know when you order your tickets!

TheaterSpectacel Wilhering

Karin Peschka | Author

Rudolf Jungwirth | Composer

Joachim Rathke | Director

Norbert Trawöger | Idea

Doris Happl | Dramaturgy

Kurt Pint | Equipment

Ilja van den Bosch | Choreography

Linzer Str. 4 4073 Wilhering Details & Tickets

Organists as guests at the organs of Wilhering Abbey Church, which Anton Bruckner liked to play during his visits to Wilhering Abbey.

Wilhering Abbey

Philipp Pelster (Salzburg) | Organist

Linzer street 4 4073 Wilhering Details & Tickets

Organists as guests at the organs of Wilhering Abbey Church, which Anton Bruckner liked to play during his visits to Wilhering Abbey.

Wilhering Abbey

Mona Rozdestvenskyte (Linz) | Organist

Linzer street 4 4073 Wilhering Details & Tickets

Organists as guests at the organs of Wilhering Abbey Church, which Anton Bruckner liked to play during his visits to Wilhering Abbey.

Wilhering Abbey

Felix Deinhofer (Herzogenburg) | Organist

Linzer street 4 4073 Wilhering Details & Tickets

"Hans Leo Hassler (1564-1612): Missa secunda
Friedrich Arnleitner (1845-1903): Ave Maria
Friedrich Arnleitner was a friend of Bruckner in Linz."

Wilhering Abbey

Till Alexander Körber | Stiftskapellmeister (conductor at the Abbey)

Linzer street 4 4073 Wilhering Details & Tickets

Organists as guests at the organs of Wilhering Abbey Church, which Anton Bruckner liked to play during his visits to Wilhering Abbey.

Wilhering Abbey

Heinrich Wimmer (Burghausen) | Organist

Linzer street 4 4073 Wilhering Details & Tickets

Organists as guests at the organs of Wilhering Abbey Church, which Anton Bruckner liked to play during his visits to Wilhering Abbey.

Wilhering Abbey

Erik Strohmeier (Detmold) | Organist

Linzer street 4 4073 Wilhering Details & Tickets

Mathilde Kralik (1857-1944), a pupil of Anton Bruckner: German Mass
by Anton Bruckner (1824-1896): Iam lucis orto sidere "Guardian Angel Hymn", WAB 18, dedicated to the Abbot, Alois Dorfer OCist of Wilhering Abbey

Wilhering Abbey

Till Alexander Körber | Stiftskapellmeister (conductor at the Abbey)

Linzer street 4 4073 Wilhering Details & Tickets

This is a place where everything takes infinitely long, it is infinitely quiet, a place where mystery is strong. In this enchanted glade, the ten symphonies of Anton Bruckner resonate 666 times longer. A pause of one sole minute in Bruckner's music becomes a silence of eleven hours and six minutes. The rustling of the leaves, birdsong, the creaking of trees and the horns of distant ships are the real sound of Bruckner, namely how he experiences sound.

A project of the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Starting point: Hainzenbachstraße parking lot, Leonding 4020 Leonding, Wilhering

Organ tour in Salzkammergut, conducted by Ikarus Kaiser, organist of Wilhering Abbey.
8:00 am departure from Wilhering/abbey parking lot, 08:20 am boarding in Linz/Wissensturm, 10:15 am visit to the Kaiser jubilee organ in Bad Ischl, 14:45 pm visit to the organ in the Protestant parish church of Gosau, 16:15 pm visit to the organ in St. Agatha, 18:45 pm disembarkation in Linz/Wissensturm, 19:00 pm return to Wilhering
Information and registration:, +43 (0) 7226231151

Wilhering Abbey

Ikarus Kaiser | Excursion leader

Linzer Str. 4 4073 Wilhering

Anton Bruckner: 7th Symphony, organ transcription

Wilhering Abbey

Christian von Blohn | Organ

Linzer street 4 4073 Wilhering Details & Tickets

Organ course with the internationally renowned organist Sophie-Véronique Cauchefer-Choplin from Paris. Today, she is considered one of the world's most distinguished organ improvisers. Anton Bruckner improvised on both organs at Wilhering Abbey Church.

Registration required for active participants at

Wilhering Abbey

Sophie-Véronique Cauchefer-Choplin | Organist

Linzer street 4 4073 Wilhering Details & Tickets

Organ improvisation concert with Sophie-Véronique Cauchefer-Choplin.
"Homage to Anton Bruckner"
The titular organist of St. Sulpice (Paris) Sophie-Véronique Cauchefer-Choplin is considered one of the world's most distinguished organ improvisers today. Anton Bruckner improvised on both organs of the collegiate church in Wilhering.

Wilhering Abbey

Sophie-Véronique Cauchefer-Choplin | Organist

Linzer street 4 4073 Wilhering Details & Tickets

Wilhering Abbey

Ikarus Kaiser | Organ

Linzer street 4 4073 Wilhering Details & Tickets

Tour of Wilhering Abbey, the organs, the music archive in Wilhering Abbey, Ottensheim parish church and the surrounding area of Wilhering and Ottensheim. Organiser: Dr. Ikarus Kaiser, organist of Wilhering Abbey and musicologist

Registration required at

Wilhering Abbey

Ikarus Kaiser | Abbey Organist

Linzer street 4 4073 Wilhering Details & Tickets

Organ concert with Marco den Toom (Katwijk aan Zee, Netherlands)
During his visits to Wilhering Abbey, Anton Bruckner liked to play both organs in the abbey church.

Wilhering Abbey

Marco den Toom | Organist

Linzer street 4 4073 Wilhering Details & Tickets

Franz Neuhofer (1870-1949): Missa "Asperges me", op. 70 (1912), dedicated to the Linz diocesan bishop Rudolph Hittmair.
The composer, who was born in Freistadt, Upper Austria, had met Anton Bruckner personally and was one of his later successors as organist of Linz Cathedral.

Wilhering Abbey

Till Alexander Körber | Stiftskapellmeister (conductor at the Abbey)

Ikarus Kaiser | Abbey Organist

Linzer street 4 4073 Wilhering Details & Tickets

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