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Anton Bruckner in Ansfelden

September 4, 1824: Birth as Josef Anton Bruckner in the old schoolhouse at Augustinerstreet 3. First of eleven children of the Bruckner family of teachers. Early contact with music: village school teacher Anton Bruckner senior is also responsible for church and dance music in the village. Already as a child violin, piano and organ lessons.

Bruckner G'schichten from Ansfelden on YouTube

Program under development

Events in Ansfelden

Nowhere else can you immerse yourself in Anton Bruckner's life as directly as in Ansfelden and St. Florian. The symphony trail, which has been popular for almost thirty years, connects the places of his childhood - through the forest, over the hills, on paths that Bruckner also walked. A new educational concept expands the sensory experience with the help of excitingly designed stations, playful approaches for young hikers, in-depth and remarkable information, digital and analog - and lots of music.

General price information
Use of the Anton Bruckner Symphony Trail is free of charge.

Borrowing an MP3 player with Bruckner's symphonies for the trail costs € 2 (+ € 22 insert)

Gemeinde Ansfelden & Gemeinde St. Florian

Carl-Anton-Carlone-Strasse 2 4052 Ansfelden Ansfelden, St. Florian

An audiovisual music laboratory and a digital drawing and painting studio will be installed in Ansfelden from April to October. The overall concept is to help young people connect with Bruckner's music and electronic music. The artists' collective OMAi offers a Tagtool app to round this off. Sessions are on offer to school classes (Bruckner Hoch 3). For the general public: Open Sessions are available on certain days.For those especially keen:(workshops) with


Cultural Department Ansfelden

C. A. Carlonestraße 2 4052 Ansfelden Details & Tickets

Anton Bruckner Museum Ansfelden

The Anton Bruckner Museum in Ansfelden is a symbolic place dedicated to the life and work of the famous composer and musician Anton Bruckner. As the birthplace of the artist, it preserves the memory of his musical legacy and his deep roots in Upper Austrian culture. Visitors have the opportunity to admire Bruckner's personal items and clothing, musical instruments and manuscripts, which offer an insight into his creative work and everyday life. The historic building reflects the rural surroundings and the time in which Bruckner lived. It is an inspiring place that attracts not only music lovers, but also historians and culture enthusiasts.
On the occasion of the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO, the permanent exhibition in Bruckner's birthplace was adapted and supplemented with numerous originals, including his famous portrait painting by Hermann Kaulbach, as well as contemporary artistic interpretations. Visitors also have the opportunity to talk to Anton Bruckner personally about God and the world or his music.

Guided tours on request: Tue, Wed, Thu
+43 732 772052222

Music as a passion
In the rooms of his childhood, pupils get to know the man, musician and composer Anton Bruckner. A tour of the museum tells the story of the world-famous "Romantic" composer's personal development, tells of his musical beginnings, his successes and setbacks and gives an insight into life 200 years ago, when Bruckner was born.

Bookable: Wed, Thu
Cost per student:in: € 3
+43 732 772052222

Opening hours:
Mon-Sat, public holidays: 10:00-16:00

Anton Bruckner Museum Ansfelden

Augustinerstrasse 3 4052 Ansfelden Details & Tickets

08:45 Meeting point at the birthplace of Anton Bruckner in Ansfelden

09:00 Tour of the birthplace
09:30 Start of the pilgrimage along the Symphony Trail featuring 10 stations about Bruckner's life, accompanied by anecdotes and spiritual thoughts
13:00 Visit to Bruckner's burial site under the organ
13:15 Lunch together in the Stiftskeller
14:30 Return journey together OR return journey home by cab (subject to a charge)

Participants should be able to walk for approx. 2 hours, Length of route: approx. 9 km, 210 meters in altitude

Contribution towards expenses: € 8.00

Registration and info:

Reinhart Steindl - certified pilgrim guide
+43 (0) 699 10038975
4052 Ansfelden, Audorferstrasse 31

Reinhart Steindl

Augustinerstrasse 3 4052 Ansfelden

The Kunstverein TraunART, in cooperation with the town of Ansfelden, presents artists who paint, sculpture and craft collages with the opportunity to create their own works over several days. The venue is Ansfelden and other places of activity of Anton Bruckner in Upper Austria - and, if possible, beyond. The event will conclude with an exhibition of the works.

Symposium from 28 June to 23 July

June 28, 2024, 7 p.m., kick-off event:
In the barn of the Rogl family "Bachbauerngut", Himmelreichstaße 11, 4052 Ansfelden.
Kick-off of the symposium with vernissage and presentation of the participating artists.

July 2, 2024, 08:00 a.m., The New Middle School visits the symposium:
The school classes visit the Anton Bruckner Birthplace, the organ and the art exhibition at the Bachbauerngut in a rotation.

July 5, 2024, 3.00 pm, "Bruckner Action Day" at the Heubinklfest:
At the barn of the Rogl family "Bachbauerngut", Himmelreichstaße 11, 4052 Ansfelden.
Joint action by visitors to the Heubinkl Festival,

July 9, 2024, 2 p.m., children's holiday event:
As part of the children's holiday event organized by the municipality of Ansfelden, pupils
under the guidance of stone sculptor Christian Koller.

July 8 to 10, 2024 Intensive workshop days:
You can watch artists at work over their shoulders on site or take part in
participate. There will also be a cozy get-together with discussions.

July 10, 2024, 5 p.m., Evaluation:
The best works will be selected for the award by an expert jury.

July 13, 2024, 7 p.m., closing event:
At the invitation of the municipality, the symposium will be held at the "Anton Bruckner Centrum" in 4052 Ansfelden,
Carl-Anton-Carlone-Straße 2, the award ceremony and the conclusion of the symposium will take place.

September 4, 2024, all day, exhibition of artworks from the symposium:
As an accompanying event to the birthday concert with the Cleeveland Orchestra and conductor
conductor Franz Welser Möst on the Pfarrhofwiese, the works of the symposium will be exhibited in the barn of the
"Bachbauerngut" the works of the symposium will be exhibited.

Conditions of participation:
Artists who paint, sculpture and craft collages are invited to participate. The number of participants depends on what the workplaces allow.
The works must be brought to the "Bachbauerngut" barn ready for evaluation by 10.07.2024 at the latest.

For further information on the conditions of participation see:
Anton Bruckner ART Symposium

Kunstverein TraunART in cooperation with ABC Ansfelden

Himmelreichstaße 11 4052 Ansfelden Details & Tickets

A concert for Bruckner's 200th birthday in Ansfelden. Since 2018, the International Bruckner Festival Linz has commenced every year on 4 September, the birthday of its namesake. The birthday concert to kick off the festival always takes place in Ansfelden, the place where it all began for Anton Bruckner: it was here that he was born in the servants' quarters of the school building and where he was baptised on the very same day in the neighbouring parish church.

In 2024, the well-wishers are prominent to say the least: The Cleveland Orchestra, known as the "most European" of the US orchestras, and its chief conductor, Franz Welser-Möst, who hails from Linz, will do the honours and pay tribute to the jubilarian with an open-air performance in the area between the parish church and the courtyard.

Accessible to those with impaired mobility:

Franz Welser-Möst | Conductor

The Cleveland Orchestra | Conductor

Details & Tickets

Musical ceremony to mark the birth of Anton Bruckner in front of the house where he was born in Ansfelden.

At 4:30 a.m., Anton Bruckner entered the world as the first child to be born in the school house in Ansfelden. Exactly 200 years after this event, we wish to celebrate his birth with a special sound. The five brass players of the quinTTTonic ensemble, Josef Baier's water organ and the composer and improviser, Cordula Bösze, will be in on the act. The six musicians will create an extraordinary sound experience of unprecedented uniqueness on the occasion of Bruckner's birth. This is an event not to be missed.

Free admission!

A project of the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024 in cooperation with the municipality of Ansfelden and the Bruckner Association of Ansfelden.


The first highlight on Anton Bruckner's birthday:
At the hour of his birth, at 04:25 in the morning, we will celebrate the jubilarian with a musical ceremony  near his place of birth and the parish church

Brucknerbund Ansfelden

quinTTTonic | Brass ensemble

Josef Baier | Organ

Parish Ansfelden 4502 Ansfelden Details & Tickets

Further dates in the series

30.04.24 - 30.04.24
SCHORGEL ( Hörsching)
15.08.24 - 15.08.24
SCHORGEL ( St. Marienkirchen an der Polsenz)
22.06.24 - 22.06.24
SCHORGEL ( Attersee am Attersee)
15.06.24 - 15.06.24
08.06.24 - 08.06.24
SCHORGEL ( Vienna)
20.05.24 - 20.05.24
SCHORGEL ( Ternberg)
27.09.24 - 27.09.24
SCHORGEL ( Kremsmünster)
18.09.24 - 18.09.24
04.07.24 - 05.07.24
SCHORGEL ( Kirchdorf an der Krems)
04.09.24 - 04.09.24
SCHORGEL ( Ansfelden)
30.06.24 - 30.06.24
SCHORGEL ( Bad Kreuzen)
19.04.24 - 19.04.24
SCHORGEL ( Leonding)
03.05.24 - 03.05.24
SCHORGEL ( Eferding)
01.06.24 - 01.06.24
SCHORGEL ( Vöcklabruck)
26.05.24 - 26.05.24
SCHORGEL ( Wolfern)
11.05.24 - 11.05.24
SCHORGEL ( Sierning)
27.04.24 - 27.04.24
SCHORGEL ( Kronstorf)

The installation by the artist, Clemens Bauder, combines organ playing and an ensemble of newly built playground equipment to create a collective musical instrument in a public space. Different organ pipes are operated by swinging and rocking them together - an acoustic space develops in the organ playground making Anton Bruckner (on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of his birth) audible and bringing him to life in both an abstract and playful manner.
The modular SCHORGEL will be set up in 2024 in various Upper Austrian locations with a Bruckner connection as well as at the Upper Austrian summer retreat in Vienna.

The history of the SCHORGEL begins with the Bruckner organ and its supply of air in the Old Cathedral in Linz. Anton Bruckner worked as a cathedral organist for thirteen years from 1855. In this time he had the organ adapted in several stages to match his own ideas. As was customary at the time, the air or wind supply to the organ was ensured by a bellows pedal (bellows pedal). To do this, the bellows were drawn up and pressed together by the feet and the entire body weight of the assistant. Before air is blown into the organ pipes, it is collected in a magazine bellows for a continuous supply. This physical momentum of constantly kicking and drawing up the bellows forms the starting point for the artistic work of the "SCHORGEL".

If you observe the use of seesaws in playgrounds, the movements can be compared to the activity of bellows treaders. The up and down motion of the seesaw is reminiscent of the alternating pulling up and squeezing together of a scoop. Based on this playful translation of rocking and swinging movements into an air supply for various pipe stops, a collectively operable organ instrument is created. By using several rocking and swinging devices with bellows of different sizes, a soundscape is created in which certain sound modulations only arise through the joint action and reaction to the actions of the other rockers or swingers. It is a game on a collective organ in which all of the participants have to coordinate their actions with those of the others. Experimenting with different rocking or swinging speeds - from the gentle rocking back and forth on a swing to the powerful push-off on the high seesaw - determines the air supply and the ever-changing composition that fills the immediate surroundings with sound.

Clemens Bauder

(*1986 in Linz, lives and works in Linz) studied architecture at the University of Art in Linz and works in the fringe areas of architecture, art and installation. His works range from usable sculptures to experimental spatial installations.

The SCHORGEL is coming to Ansfelden!
The organ playground can be experienced as part of a: "24-hour birthday party"

Accessible for those with impaired mobility!

A project of the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024 with the kind support of the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport.

Studio Clemens Bauder | Idea, concept, realisation

Haiderstrasse 8 4052 Ansfelden
Logo of the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport

"Happy birthday, Anton!" Since 2018, the International Bruckner Festival Linz has commenced every year on 4 September which marks the birthday of its namesake. The birthday concert to kick off the festival always takes place in Ansfelden, the place where everything began for Anton Bruckner. It was here that he entered the world in the school's official residence and was baptised on the same day in the nearby parish church. In 2024, the well-wishers are prominent to say the least: The Cleveland Orchestra and its chief conductor, Franz Welser-Möst, from Linz will do the honours and pay tribute to the jubilarian with an open-air performance next to the parish church.

Anton Bruckner:
Symphony No. 4 (Romantic) in E flat major, WAB 104, "1878/80 version"

ANSFELDEN - Open-air stage next to the parish church
presented by Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich
(already sold out)

LINZ - Live broadcast in the Danube Park
powered by LINZ AG
Free admission!


The Cleveland Orchestra

Franz Welser-Möst

"Happy birthday, Anton!" - Concert for Bruckner's 200th birthday in Ansfelden

Since 2018, the 4 September has marked the beginning of the International Bruckner Festival Linz, on the birthday of its namesake. The birthday concert to kick off the festival always takes place in Ansfelden, the place where it all began for Anton Bruckner. It was here that he was born in the servants' quarters of the school building and here that he was baptised in the parish church nearby on the very same day.

In 2024, well-wishers for this milestone birthday are justifiably of a prominent nature: The Cleveland Orchestra, known as the most "European" of the US American orchestras, and its chief conductor, Franz Welser-Möst, who hails from Linz, will do the honours and pay tribute to the jubilarian. An open-air performance will be held in the space between the parish church and the courtyard.

Following the prelude and "Isolde's Liebestod" from Richard Wagner's opera Tristan und Isolde, the nocturne par excellence, in tune with the open-air venue, will be Bruckner's Symphony No. 4 in E flat major. This was his first in a major key and it is one of the composer's most comprehensible and therefore most popular works. He himself named it theRomantic and this name paired with the many references to this have added to this. This applies in particular to the "1878/80 version" a highlight depicting nature in a variety of tones in the newly composed third movement. It became famous under the nickname "Jagd-Scherzo" . Its premiere on 20 February 1881 by the Vienna Philharmonic led by Hans Richter was a great success and represented an important 'stage victory' for Bruckner on his way to becoming a recognised symphonist.


20:15 Birthday concert

Richard Wagner (1813-1883)

Prelude and "Isolde's Liebestod" from the opera Tristan und Isolde, WWV 90 (1857-59)

- Intermission -

Anton Bruckner (1824-1896)

Symphony No. 4(Romantic) in E flat major, WAB 104 (1874, 1876-78, 1880-81) "1878/80 version"


The Cleveland Orchestra

Franz Welser-Möst | Conductor

The brass bands of Ansfelden perform a joint concert on the open-air stage in front of the Ansfelden parish hall.

Ansfeld brass music clubs

Ansfelden Music Society

Traditional band (Trachtenkapelle) Haid

Works music Nettingsdorf

Ansfeldner Str. 11 4052 Ansfelden Details & Tickets

Further dates in the series

12.09.24 - 12.09.24
Sketches on sheet music ( Ansfelden)
13.09.24 - 20.10.24
Sketches on sheet music ( Ansfelden)

Franz Armbruster, a theater painter, analyses the characters of actors and singers as well as their roles in drawings. He was also particularly interested in the musicians, who are invisible in the orchestra pit but make a significant contribution to the musical theatre. Armbruster used a technique in which he captured various aspects simultaneously on paper and whisked them into a harmonious whole. Powerful condensations alternate with loose lines to create tension and physicality. The underlying musical notation encourages the "cooperation" of the viewer. The cycle and calendar were presented at the Bruckner Haus in 1989, as the basic sheet music was taken from Bruckner works and the musicians were members of the Bruckner Orchestra. Armbruster used copies of sheet music as a background for a lithograph cycle from which the present calendar was created.

The Anton Bruckner Centrum is accessible for everyone.

Vernissage: 12.09.2024, 19:00
Exhibition: 13.09.2024 - 20.10.2024

Free admission!

Cultural department of the municipality of Ansfelden

Carl-Anton-Carlone-Strasse 2 4052 Ansfelden Details & Tickets


Further dates in the series

12.09.24 - 12.09.24
Sketches on sheet music ( Ansfelden)
13.09.24 - 20.10.24
Sketches on sheet music ( Ansfelden)

Franz Armbruster, a theater painter, analyses the characters of actors and singers as well as their roles in drawings. He was also particularly interested in the musicians, who are invisible in the orchestra pit but make a significant contribution to the musical theatre. Armbruster used a technique in which he captured various aspects simultaneously on paper and whisked them into a harmonious whole. Powerful condensations alternate with loose lines to create tension and physicality. The underlying musical notation encourages the "cooperation" of the viewer. The cycle and calendar were presented at the Bruckner Haus in 1989, as the basic sheet music was taken from Bruckner works and the musicians were members of the Bruckner Orchestra. Armbruster used copies of sheet music as a background for a lithograph cycle from which the present calendar was created.

The Anton Bruckner Centrum is accessible for everyone.

Vernissage: 12.09.2024, 19:00
Exhibition: 13.09.2024 - 20.10.2024

Opening hours:
Tue 8:00-12:00 and Thu 14:00 - 18:00

Free admission!

Cultural department of the municipality of Ansfelden

Carl-Anton-Carlone-Strasse 2 4052 Ansfelden Details & Tickets

"Bruckner's Birthplace" - Bonus Kids Club

We take a trip to Anton Bruckner's birthplace in Ansfelden.

Meeting point is at 16:00 in the box office foyer of the Brucknerhaus.

A free shuttle service takes the children from the Brucknerhaus Linz to Ansfelden and back. Please note: Due to bus times, this Antons Kidsclub ends 45 minutes later, i.e. at 18:15!


Your parents can simply bring you to the ticket office foyer at 16:00 and pick you up again at 18:15, because of course only children have access to Anton's Kidsclub!

The St. Florian Boys' Choir as guests in Anton Bruckner's birthplace! Do not miss this highlight in the anniversary year 200 years Anton Bruckner! Works by Anton Bruckner a.o.

Brucknerbund Ansfelden

St. Florian Boys Choir | Choir

Markus Stumpner | Choirmaster

Ansfeldner Str. 11 4052 Ansfelden Details & Tickets

Young music students of the Landesmusikschule Leonding show their skills during a matinée.

Free admission!

Brucknerbund Ansfelden

Landesmusikschule Leonding | Music students

Ansfeldner Str. 11 4052 Ansfelden Details & Tickets

Further dates in the series

25.10.24 - 01.12.24
"AB sicht lich" ( Ansfelden)

Monika Steiner's artistic medium is fabric as a textile material language and a carrier of meaning in terms of form and content. Her works, on the one hand an examination of the world around us, and on the other the exploration of the spectrum of pictorial design through the textile medium, enable a journey through a world of images that constantly opens up anew depending on the angle of view and spatial proximity. In some of her artistic works, the artist makes reference to Anton Bruckner.
"I want to challenge the observing eye, send it on a search, let it discover..."

Click here for the exhibition!

The event is barrier-free!

Cultural Department Anton Bruckner Centrum Ansfelden

Carl-Anton-Carlone-Strasse 2 4052 Ansfelden Details & Tickets

Monika Steiner's artistic medium is fabric as a textile material language and a carrier of meaning in terms of form and content. Her works, on the one hand an examination of the world around us, and on the other the exploration of the spectrum of pictorial design through the textile medium, enable a journey through a world of images that constantly opens up anew depending on the angle of view and spatial proximity. In some of her artistic works, the artist makes reference to Anton Bruckner.
"I want to challenge the observing eye, send it on a search, let it discover..."

Click here for the vernissage!

Open during events Events
(see overview of events at

The event is barrier-free!

Cultural Department Anton Bruckner Centrum Ansfelden

Carl Anton Carlone Street 2 4052 Ansfelden Details & Tickets

The opening of the Bruckner200 series with a church service followed by a matinée in the Ansfelden vicarage has already become a tradition.

This year's service will be performed by the vocal ensemble, "Cappella originella"

Philomena Mitterbauer
Theresa Hamberger
Jakob Reiter
Benjamin Gotthard

Music by Anton Bruckner

After mass, a morning pint will be served in the vicarage with the Ansfeldner Tanzlmusi (music group)

Brucknerbund Ansfelden

Cappella orinella | Vocal ensemble

Ansfeldner Tanzlmusi | musical accompaniment to the morning pint

Ansfeldner Str. 11 4052 Ansfelden Details & Tickets

The artist talk as part of Bruckner200-2024 promises to be an exciting encounter with Dr. Elisabeth Maier, the renowned "Bruckner expert" and Norbert Trawöger, the artistic director of the "OÖ. Kultur-Expo Anton Bruckner 2024". The new Bruckner biography by Dr. Elisabeth Maier will be presented on this evening.

Brucknerbund Ansfelden and the town of Ansfelden

Dr. Elisabeth Maier | Interview partner

Norbert Trawöger | Interview partner

Carlonestrasse 2 4502 Ansfelden Details & Tickets

The concert evening is intended to give an impression of the versatility and high status of the brass bands of the time. The focus is on Anton Bruckner's life, embedded in the socio-cultural context of his time. The journey begins in his childhood in Ansfelden, which was marked by the Napoleonic Wars, continues through his professional stations as a school teacher in Windhaag, Kronstorf and St. Florian and ends with his appointment in Linz.

Brucknerbund Ansfelden and the town of Ansfelden

The Strebitzer | Brass music

Carlonestr. 2 4502 Ansfelden Details & Tickets

In this concert, the pianists of the Academy for the Promotion of Gifted Musicians of the Upper Austrian State Music School meet the trombonists of the Anton Bruckner Private University and together they create an evening full of Bruckner.
In addition to the complete piano works of Anton Bruckner, with two-handed and four-handed works, selected works by Anton Bruckner for trombone quartet will also be performed, presented with verve and humor by Prof. Johann Reiter

Brucknerbund Ansfelden and the town of Ansfelden

Students of the ABPU and the Upper Austrian Music School Association

Carlonestr. 2 4502 Ansfelden Details & Tickets

Aaliyah Kim Lehner, violoncello, Magdalena Katzensteiner, hammered dulcimer and the trombone quartet "Sliders" are winners of the "Prima la musica" national competition in spring 2024 and show off their skills in the birthplace of Anton Bruckner

Brucknerbund Ansfelden

Aaliyah Kim Lehner | Violoncelló

Magdalena Katzensteiner, | hammered dulcimer

The Sliders | Trombone Quartet

Carlonestr. 2 4502 Ansfelden Details & Tickets

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