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Bad Kreuzen

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Anton Bruckner in Bad Kreuzen

In 1867 and 1868, stays for several weeks at the cold-water sanatorium due to overwork and poor mental health.

Bruckner G'schichten from Bad Kreuzen on YouTube

Program under development

Events in Bad Kreuzen

What will the future sound like? In what way will our beloved classical music be transformed in the future? How will human voices resonate in 50 years' time? Thomas Mandel and Alexander Koller attempt to find echoes of the future in their compositional approaches and create an exciting evening for both the young and old, for the past, the present and the future. A concert "with a view" for the birthday jubilarians, Anton Bruckner and Arnold Schönberg!

Tickets € 30.00

donauFESTWOCHEN in Strudengau

Hard-Chor Linz


Alexander Koller | Management

Details & Tickets

Rémy Ballot, the French conductor and violinist, has put together his own ensemble of musicians with whom he works together regularly in orchestras. An acclaimed debut concert at the St. Florian Bruckner Festival in summer 2020 resulted in a CD with Anton Bruckner's String Quintet and String Quartet, which was released on the Gramola label. This project led to the development of the permanent core of a regular ensemble, the Ballot Quartet. In order to present a broader repertoire, this quartet became the Ballot Quintet.

"Each member of the quartet is a highly cultivated musical personality in their own right, who knows how to listen to their fellow players and is equally capable of taking the lead or accompanying and fitting into a tutti sound. This ensemble does not offer a  mannered, uniform sound such as one hears from formations that commit themselves to either a quasi-orchestral or a finely chiseled performance. This quartet's style is oriented towards the respective conditions of the composition, which is presented with great sensitivity."

This is what Florian Schuck writes about the Ballot Quartet in his review for as part of the St. Florian Bruckner Festival 2023 at Tillysburg Castle.

Programme 04.10.2024:
Michael Haydn - String Quintet in C major, P. 108
Anton Bruckner - Intermezzo in D minor, WAB 113
Anton Bruckner - String Quintet in F major, WAB 112

Kreuzen Castle Foundation

Ballot Quintet

Rémy Ballot | 1st violin

Iris Ballot | 2nd violin

Stefanie Kropfreiter | 1st viola

Natalia Kuleba | 2nd viola

Marta Sudraba | Violoncello

Bad Kreuzen 18 4362 Bad Kreuzen

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