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Anton Bruckner in Kronstorf

School assistant 1843-1845. Although living only on 6m2, saying he felt "like in heaven". Over 10 compositions. First self-designation as a composer. Living space and violin preserved to this day.

Bruckner G'schichten from Kronstorf on YouTube

Program under development

Events in Kronstorf

On 25,000m2 in the Kronstorf labyrinth of maize  long labyrinths await you. Put your sense of direction to the test, playfully solve tasks about Anton Bruckner, find hidden stamps and lots more.

Period of event:
10.07.2024 - 20.09.2024, all day

Accessible for those with impaired mobility:

Kronstorf corn maze - Martin and Daniela Forstner

Mühlradingerstrasse 19 4484 Kronstorf Details & Tickets

"Hike like Bruckner", enjoy the connection between nature, culture and movement in a group. The ÖTB OÖ invites you to a star hike on 15 - 18 August 2024 which will, this year, take us to Kronstorf. In line with Anton Bruckner's own enthusiasm for the nature of Upper Austria, we will hike from various starting points to our common destination. This year is characterised by a special route that also includes stations featuring muisc from Bruckner.

Gymnastics Club of Enns ÖTB 1862 and Gymnastics Club of Steyr 1861

Fritz Aichhorn | Chairman of Enns Gymnastics Club

Brucknerplatz 1 4484 Kronstorf Details & Tickets

En route to a birthday party in Kronstorf, "Anton and the Detectives" are on the trail of the composer. This is where Bruckner felt "as if he was in heaven". Suitable for children aged 8 and over. Please bring suitable shoes and a drink for the journey.

Meeting point: Bruckner Museum
Age: as of 8 years
What to bring: suitable shoes, a drink

Registration under:

Free admission!

A project of the municipality of Kronstorf in cooperation with the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Brucknerplatz 4 4484 Kronstorf

The young Anton Bruckner lived and worked in Kronstorf for almost three years and felt "like he was in heaven". On October 11, 1896, he died in Vienna after an eventful life as a famous composer. On the day of Bruckner's death, we try to get closer to the diversity of his and our heaven with music and texts beyond the boundaries of his compositions. Let's climb this ladder to heaven together with Christian Wirth and Andreas Etlinger!

Ticket sales from August through the parish of Kronstorf

Parish of Kronstorf

Christian Wirth | Bruckner violin

Andreas Etlinger | Organ

Brucknerplatz 4484 Kronstorf

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