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Anton Bruckner in Perg

1862 final approval of the new organ by Franz Meindl. Persistent complaint about a single note. 1884 dedication of the Perger Prelude in C major to leather master and organist Josef Diernhofer.

Bruckner G'schichten from Perg on YouTube

Program under development

Events in Perg

The special exhibition deals, among other things, with the historical documents that record Anton Bruckner's relationship with Perg.

A fragmentary account is given of the ways in which the musician, Anton Bruckner, was honoured in Perg in the decades following his death through the naming of a street, the hanging of a memorial plaque, in specialist lectures or as part of church tours. An annual programme, which accompanies the exhibition, is directed at the inhabitants of the town and district of Perg inviting them to visit the exhibition.

Perg is Bruckner's town because
- Anton Bruckner's great-grandmother was the daughter of a millstone cutter from Perg
- Bruckner had personal friends or was acquainted with several people from Perg (in particular the Mayor, Karl Terpinitz, and the schoolmaster, Kirchhofer) and Anton Bruckner was thus commissioned to build a new organ in the parish church of Perg,
- Anton Bruckner dedicated the Perg Prelude to the leather goods' merchant, Josef Diernhofer,
- Anton Bruckner set the Liedertafel motto to music written by the Pergkirchen priest, Andreas Mittermayr.

Local history and museum association Perg

Stifterstrasse 1 4320 Perg Details & Tickets

Robert Wandl is a retired secretary of the Chamber of Commerce and deals with cultural issues in Upper Austria. He has summarised his contribution to the Bruckner Year in a lecture.

Catholic Education Centre Perg

Robert Wandl | Lecturer

Bahnhofstrasse 2 4320 Perg

The Perg Symphonic Wind Orchestra is a project of the Perg State Music School. Committed musicians from the lower Mühlviertel region rehearse symphonic wind music at the highest musical level under expert guidance.

Symphonic wind orchestra of the Perg State Music School

Thomas Asanger | Artistic Director

Jahnstrasse 2 4320 Perg Details & Tickets

The parish service is musically arranged with the Windhaag Mass by Anton Bruckner. Participants include Anne Eder, Franz and Emma Leonhartsberger and Irene Wallner

Parish of Perg

Main square, parish church 4320 Perg

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