Yellow, purple, blue 3D graphic

St. Florian

Logo Anton Bruckner 2024 Logo Anton Bruckner 2024

Anton Bruckner in St. Florian

After the early death of his father on June 7, 1837, he stayed in the nearby monastery of Sankt Florian until 1840, when he was accepted as a choirboy. Continued singing, violin and organ lessons, the latter with emphasis on improvisation.

1845 Return to Sankt Florian as teacher and monastery organist until 1855.

First major compositions such as Missa solemnis in B-flat minor and Requiem.

On October 15, 1896 burial in the collegiate basilica.

Bruckner G'schichten from St. Florian on YouTube

Program under development

Events in St. Florian

Nowhere else can you immerse yourself in Anton Bruckner's life as directly as in Ansfelden and St. Florian. The symphony trail, which has been popular for almost thirty years, connects the places of his childhood - through the forest, over the hills, on paths that Bruckner also walked. A new educational concept expands the sensory experience with the help of excitingly designed stations, playful approaches for young hikers, in-depth and remarkable information, digital and analog - and lots of music.

General price information
Use of the Anton Bruckner Symphony Trail is free of charge.

Borrowing an MP3 player with Bruckner's symphonies for the trail costs € 2 (+ € 22 insert)

Gemeinde Ansfelden & Gemeinde St. Florian

Carl-Anton-Carlone-Strasse 2 4052 Ansfelden Ansfelden, St. Florian

Anton Bruckner felt at home in St. Florian Abbey where he was a choirboy. He was taught here and later taught himself. He also played the organ on the "Krismannin" in the collegiate church. In this place of the world, he searched for his own identity as an artist. He also returned here for good on his very last journey. At the abbey, for the very first time, the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024 exhibition showcases the various stages of the composer's life and work. It features a large number of documents from the abbey's archives. Three monumental pavilions in the abbey courtyard invite visitors to experience Bruckner's dreams and visions for themeselves through exciting multimedia presentations.

Further information on the exhibition, tickets, educationalal programme and barrier-free access can be found here:

Upper Austria KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Details & Tickets

A project of the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024 in cooperation with the Augustiner Chorherrenstift (Augustinian Monastery) St. Florian and the OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH

With the kind support of Oberösterreichische Versicherung

Experience the sound of Anton Bruckner's Bösendorfer grand piano and find out more about the history of this important instrument. It accompanied the famous composer for almost 50 years of his life. 
From 4 May to 26 October 2024, our musicians will bring this historic grand piano to life - 6 pm every Saturday in the Landeshauptmannzimmer.

Bruckner grand piano listening experience (20 minutes): € 8.00, tickets available in the Florianer Stiftsladen

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian

Further dates in the series

14.07.24 - 14.07.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
18.08.24 - 18.08.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
21.07.24 - 21.07.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
22.09.24 - 22.09.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
06.10.24 - 06.10.24
Dancing Stars - with Anton Bruckner on the dance floor (St. Florian)
09.06.24 - 09.06.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
29.09.24 - 29.09.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
26.05.24 - 26.05.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
20.10.24 - 20.10.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
25.08.24 - 25.08.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
04.08.24 - 04.08.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
23.06.24 - 23.06.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
27.10.24 - 27.10.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
16.06.24 - 16.06.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
28.07.24 - 28.07.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
19.05.24 - 19.05.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
08.09.24 - 08.09.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
30.06.24 - 30.06.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
15.09.24 - 15.09.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
07.07.24 - 07.07.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
01.09.24 - 01.09.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
11.08.24 - 11.08.24
Pen and stamp! Print and art workshop ( St. Florian)
02.06.24 - 02.06.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)
13.10.24 - 13.10.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)

Both youngsters and adults can develop their own creative ideas from 13:00 to 16:00 and immerse themselves in the world of Anton Bruckner and St. Florian Abbey.

THEME Make noise! Build your instrument.
Build your instrument Smaller instruments such as violins and guitars can be works of art. We want to create instruments with simple means. Join in! You have the choice of plucking, shaking, tapping or blowing into it. You can even use things that other people throw away! It's fun to make music together in a way you rarely hear.

The Suuuperkulturfamiliensonntag is suitable for everyone from the age of 6 (some activities are suitable for children from the age of 4, please see the programme). Accompanying persons are welcome to participate. Please note that we have 20 places available for each event. If you are unable to attend or find that you do not have time, please inform us as soon as possible.

The meeting point is always at 13:00 at the exhibition cash desk.
Price: € 3.00 per person.

Upper Austria KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian

Start at 14:30
Group price (from 20 persons) per person: 7.50 euros
Individual visitors: 8.00 euros

Tickets are available in the shop (gateway of abbey)!
Daily except for Tuesday and Saturday.

No listening experience on:

29.07.2024 / 31.07.2024 / 01.08.2024

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

The theater director, comparable with a tour producer, wants to stage Mozart's Figaro. Although it is probably beyond his means, he invites some of the very first singers, whom he knows personally, to join him in this endeavour. The two ladies in question actually cannot stand each other, partly because one of them is in a relationship with the other's ex-husband... After much toing and froing, the first rehearsal of the finale takes place. This ends in disaster and almost "violently". It takes time for all the singers, the established and the very young, to actually comprehend the privileges an artistic profession might offer- that it is about the "ensemble", being attentive and ultimately about social responsibility.

Tillysburg Castle belongs to St. Florian. As such it plays an equivalent role in the Bruckner anniversary year 2024. Unfortunately, Anton Bruckner did not write anything for the music theatre but he certainly gave music and art itself considerable thought and not just in an anecdotal manner. With this in mind, we are presenting a premiere of Mozart in his honour, in which a certain Upper Austrian, "Mr. Bruckner", will also play a pivotal role...

The focus will be on the reality of life in the theatre and of young musicians. It is of course about vanity, egotism, a lack of discipline and the constant proximity of art to private life. But it is also about the unadulterated joy of being able to exercise a profession that is so little alienated, ideally "working together" - and finally, thirdly, about the social value of art in general contrating sharply with the economic hardship of many artists and art businesses and the latent risk of artistic precarity.

The four enchanting and magnificent pieces of music from the one-act play "Der Schauspieldirektor" form the comedic framework for many other brilliant melodies from Mozart.

The music is sung and performed in German, and many arias from Figaro and Cosi fan tutti have been newly translated or adapted.

Tillysburg Castle Festival

Nikolaus Büchel | Intendant/Director

Jubin Amiri | Theatre Director

Tehmine Schäffer | Madame Silberklang

Paula Ruiz | Madame Herz

Gezim Berisha | Mr. Herz

Judith Sauer | Barbella

Max Lütgendorff | Fritz Vogelsang

Nina Edelmann | Marcella Vogelsang

Paul Skalicki | Konrad Eiler

Sonja Nothbauer | Cherubino

Christoph Berg | Buff

Chiara Larson | Constance

J-D Schwarzmann | Mr. Bruckner

Tillysburg 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

International Organ Competition "Augustinus Franz Kropfreiter" award  presentation ceremony and prize winners' concert

St. Florian Monastery

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

The Bruckner organ is the largest and most famous of the organs located  in St. Florian Abbey. You can find out which other organs there are, how they sound and on which occasions they are played on the organ walk. It takes you to the Bruckner organ, the organ in St. Mary's Chapel, the processional organ, the "apple rack" and to Anton Bruckner's harmonium. Organ walk (90 minutes): € 17.50 (commissions € 16.50)

Registration form

St. Florian Monastery

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

Further dates in the series

14.07.24 - 14.07.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
18.08.24 - 18.08.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
21.07.24 - 21.07.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
22.09.24 - 22.09.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
06.10.24 - 06.10.24
Dancing Stars - with Anton Bruckner on the dance floor (St. Florian)
09.06.24 - 09.06.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
29.09.24 - 29.09.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
26.05.24 - 26.05.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
25.08.24 - 25.08.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
20.10.24 - 20.10.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
04.08.24 - 04.08.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
23.06.24 - 23.06.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
27.10.24 - 27.10.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
16.06.24 - 16.06.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
28.07.24 - 28.07.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
08.09.24 - 08.09.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
19.05.24 - 19.05.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
30.06.24 - 30.06.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
15.09.24 - 15.09.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
07.07.24 - 07.07.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
01.09.24 - 01.09.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
11.08.24 - 11.08.24
Pen and stamp! Print and art workshop ( St. Florian)
02.06.24 - 02.06.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)
13.10.24 - 13.10.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)

Both youngsters and adults can develop their own creative ideas from 13:00 to 16:00 and immerse themselves in the world of Anton Bruckner and St. Florian Abbey.

THEME Your planet, and what it's made of.
Our Earth was formed shortly after the birth of our sun over 4,500 million years ago. The components we can find on it every day have a fascinating history. The composition and shape of the rocks and soil shape us humans. We get to know some of the most important components of the earth's crust. Exhibits from the monastery's collection can be seen and felt in a way that would otherwise hardly be possible.

The Suuuperkulturfamiliensonntag is suitable for everyone from the age of 6 (some activities are suitable for children from the age of 4, please see the programme). Accompanying persons are welcome to participate. Please note that we have 20 places available for each event. If you are unable to attend or find that you do not have time, please inform us as soon as possible.

The meeting point is always at 13:00 at the exhibition cash desk.
Price: € 3.00 per person.

Upper Austria KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian


Further dates in the series

14.07.24 - 14.07.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
18.08.24 - 18.08.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
21.07.24 - 21.07.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
22.09.24 - 22.09.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
06.10.24 - 06.10.24
Dancing Stars - with Anton Bruckner on the dance floor (St. Florian)
09.06.24 - 09.06.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
29.09.24 - 29.09.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
26.05.24 - 26.05.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
25.08.24 - 25.08.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
20.10.24 - 20.10.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
04.08.24 - 04.08.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
23.06.24 - 23.06.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
27.10.24 - 27.10.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
16.06.24 - 16.06.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
28.07.24 - 28.07.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
08.09.24 - 08.09.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
19.05.24 - 19.05.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
30.06.24 - 30.06.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
15.09.24 - 15.09.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
07.07.24 - 07.07.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
01.09.24 - 01.09.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
11.08.24 - 11.08.24
Pen and stamp! Print and art workshop ( St. Florian)
02.06.24 - 02.06.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)
13.10.24 - 13.10.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)

Both youngsters and adults can develop their own creative ideas from 13:00 to 16:00 and immerse themselves in the world of Anton Bruckner and St. Florian Abbey.

THEME Pen and stamp! Print art workshop.
There are various methods for making stamps. We will try out some of them together during the workshop. After the stamps are created, they can be used with stamping ink or ink to repeatedly apply patterns to paper, fabric or other surfaces. How about your own individual and personal stamp that is one of a kind?

The Suuuperkulturfamiliensonntag is suitable for everyone from the age of 6 (some activities are suitable for children from the age of 4, please see the programme). Accompanying persons are welcome to participate. Please note that we have 20 places available for each event. If you are unable to attend or find that you do not have time, please inform us as soon as possible.

The meeting point is always at 13:00 at the exhibition cash desk.
Price: € 3.00 per person.

Upper Austria KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian

Pontifical Mass of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary - patron saint of the collegiate basilica William Byrd (1543-1623): Mass in four parts Anton Bruckner: Motets ARTOS Vocal Ensemble (Faroe Islands) Conductor: Jóhannes Andreasen

St. Florian Monastery

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

The year gets off to a start with two religious concerts in the form of an "Ouverture spirituelle", in which Anton Bruckner's spirituality is explored in myriad ways. The first of the two choral concerts features Joh. Seb. Bach's Mass in B minor, one of the greatest mass compositions in musical history. Bach worked on this infinitely rich and festive work in very different phases of his life between 1724 and 1749 completing it shortly before his death. It is his only musical version of the complete Catholic mass text and, like many of his cyclical works from his later years, it forms part of his legacy of musical perfection. Recent research on Bach has also suggested that there may have been plans to perform the mass in St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna in 1749. The 27 movements of the great mass comprise 18 choruses and 9 arias and follow a strictly symmetrical concept. This fascinating work is being performed for the first time in St. Florian and it suits the architecture and acoustics of the abbey basilica to perfection.

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750): "High Mass" in B minor BWV 232

St. Florian Bruckner Days

Ad libitum choir

Original sound orchestra Barucco

Elisabeth Breuer | Soprano

Annelie Müller | Alto

Daniel Johannsen | Tenor

Christoph Filler | Bass

Heinz Ferlesch | Conductor

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

At the Gause pub, "a pint especially for Doctor Bruckner!" meant that the glass had to be poured very carefully with a strong head of foam and served to the master without delay. Bruckner enjoyed his twilight pintsalmost every evening in the company of his favourite students. They report that the master insisted on "compulsory attendance" and always consumed an uneven number of beers. During his time in Linz, Bruckner grew very fond of brass band music thanks to the garrison band that performed daily. "Beer and brass music" - the opening twilight pint of the Bruckner Festival 2022. Joschi Auer will accompany guests through the programme in his well-known cabaret style.

Admission free
Reservations are requested: +43 (0) 7224 890270

St. Florian Bruckner Days Association

Franz Falkner | Management

Joshi Auer | Moderation

Stiftsstraße 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

Further dates in the series

14.07.24 - 14.07.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
18.08.24 - 18.08.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
21.07.24 - 21.07.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
22.09.24 - 22.09.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
06.10.24 - 06.10.24
Dancing Stars - with Anton Bruckner on the dance floor (St. Florian)
09.06.24 - 09.06.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
29.09.24 - 29.09.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
26.05.24 - 26.05.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
25.08.24 - 25.08.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
20.10.24 - 20.10.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
04.08.24 - 04.08.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
23.06.24 - 23.06.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
27.10.24 - 27.10.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
16.06.24 - 16.06.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
28.07.24 - 28.07.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
19.05.24 - 19.05.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
08.09.24 - 08.09.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
30.06.24 - 30.06.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
15.09.24 - 15.09.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
07.07.24 - 07.07.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
01.09.24 - 01.09.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
11.08.24 - 11.08.24
Pen and stamp! Print and art workshop ( St. Florian)
02.06.24 - 02.06.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)
13.10.24 - 13.10.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)

Both youngsters and adults can develop their own creative ideas from 13:00 to 16:00 and immerse themselves in the world of Anton Bruckner and St. Florian Abbey.

THEME Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world.
Bruckner's top hat has disappeared - he lost it somewhere in St. Florian! We set off in search of clues and delve deeply into the secrets of the past.

The Suuuperkulturfamiliensonntag is suitable for everyone from the age of 6 (some activities are suitable for children from the age of 4, please see the programme). Accompanying persons are welcome to participate. Please note that we have 20 places available for each event. If you are unable to attend or find that you do not have time, please inform us as soon as possible.

The meeting point is always at 13:00 at the exhibition cash desk.
Price: € 3.00 per person.

Upper Austria KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian

For the anniversary year, we are pleased to welcome the European Brass Collective, which got the Bruckner Festival 2016 & 2018 off to a "melodious and magnificent"  start (quote OÖN). The musicians became acquainted at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London and are closely associated with the Bruckner Festival, with many of them also playing in the symphony concert of the Altomonte Orchestra. Thomas Wall's international contacts brought them to St. Florian. As always the colourful programme, which ranges from baroque to romantic to pop muisc will be enriched by "musical presents for the guests" from the two composers in the ensemble, the conductor, Dani Perpinan, and the trombonist, Paul Frost: The compositions they have written for this concert are "tributes" to the "jubilarian and host", Anton Bruckner. Goosebumps are guaranteed again this year!

St. Florian Bruckner Days

European Brass Collective

Daniel Perpinan | Conductorship

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

All-day programme for children from 6 to 12 years (daily from 9:00 to 17:00)
Highlight: "Bruckner SINNKLUSIV" for everyone on Wednesday, 21 August, 1:30 to 18:00

Tickets from 1 March 2024!

For any questions about the tickets:
For members:

The programme for the Junge Brucknertage (Young Bruckner Festival) is currently being prepared for you, more details will follow!

St. Florian Bruckner Days Association

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

Inspired by Anton Bruckner's musical legacy, Christian Wirth and his Chameleon Orchestra celebrate a dazzling evening of world music in which exceptional musicians known from the Bruckner Festival and Mozambique's superstar singer, Stewart Sukuma, come together in a musical performance under a celestial arch spanning different continents.
Brimming with curiosity and the joy of experimentation, the versatile ensemble and its versatile musicians translate essences and extracts of European, late Romantic music into new sound creations with hints of jazz and pop, spiced with an African beat and a pinch of the Orient; sometimes with a wink, a smile and a swing of the hips, but always with a deep respect for the "genius locorum".
Cheerfully and with exuberance, we celebrate the jubilarian as a world star and make music "Like in heaven".

#OPEN AIR - in all weather conditions - please bring weatherproof clothing

St. Florian Bruckner Days

Chameleon Orchestra

Christian Wirth | Conductorship

Stewart Sukuma | Soloist

Stiftstrasse 2 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

International Bruckner Congress
Tuesday, 20 August - Friday, 23 August  / Sala terrena

This congress, co-organized by the Bruckner Society of America and the St. Florian Bruckner Festival, serves as a platform for a group of leading Bruckner scholars and experts from across Europe and America to meet and share the latest findings from their research and studies. Topics range from source studies, performance practice and reception history to musical analysis. We look forward to welcoming everyone who loves Bruckner's music, whether you be an enthusiast or a connoisseur, to this fascinating and stimulating series of lectures.

Ben Korstvedt (Bruckner Society of America)
This year we are delighted to be able to hold the World Congress of the American Bruckner Societyin collaboration with the symposium of the annual Bruckner Dimensions. It is a great honour for us to host the world's leading Bruckner scholars at St. Florian Abbey from 20 - 23 August as part of our festival. In a total of 25 lectures, we will be able to hear about the latest findings in Bruckner research at first hand and learn more about suggestions for further ideas and research projects. It is particualrly significant if this inspiration comes from St. Florian, the place where Bruckner himself was greatly inspired in terms of his own musical career. The congress is accessible to everyone and open to all interested parties.

St. Florian Bruckner Days

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Kostvedt | Clarke University | President of the Bruckner Society

Prof. Matthias Giesen | Anton Bruckner Private University | Artistic Director of the St. Florian Bruckner Festival

Prof. Dr. Klaus Laczika | Private University for Jazz and Popular Music Vienna | Artistic Director of St. Florian Bruckner Festival

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

The Organ Night is also celebrating an anniversary at the Bruckner Festival since it is now taking place for the tenth time in a row. The special programme this year honours the occasion. With Michael Floredo's Organ Symphony for three organists and conductors on one organ, which was premiered here in St. Florian 13 years ago, a special item on the programme, that was an absolute sensation at the time, is being brought back to life. The Vorarlberg composer has already written several compositions for the monastery and the Bruckner Festival. In his organ symphony he traces the large areas in Bruckner's symphonies. As the players work, the spectacle is transmitted by video into the church space offering a fascinating opportunity to watch the three organists playing with and on top of each other. The new CD by the Austrian star of the opera,  Günther Groissböck, with Matthias Giesen on the organ will also be presented. Groissböck focuses on the spiritual music of Anton Bruckner, as well as works by Brahms, Fr. Schmidt, J. Haydn and others. The concert night is framed by two famous organists from Italy and England: Giulia Biagetti plays music from the Bach period, Peter King brings the organ night to an exciting conclusion with a firework display of organ transcriptions, most recently with the jazzy "Voices of the world".

19:30 Giulia Biagetti, Lucca/I "Rings around Bach"
Christian Friedrich Witt (1660-1717)

Passacaglia in D minor
Chorale prelude "Jesu Christ, the only Son of God"

Johann Peter Kellner (1705-1772)
Prelude and fugue in d

Johann Schneider (1702-1788)
Trio on "Mein Gott das Herze bring' ich dir"
Prelude and fugue in G major

Johann Gottfried Walther (1684-1748)
Partite on "I will not leave my Jesus"

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Toccata and Fuga in D minor ("The Dorian") BWV 538

Ernst Friedrich Richter (1808-1879)
Trio on "Jesu, my joy"
Fantasia, Adagio, Fuga op. 19

20:15 Michael Floredo: Symphony No. 3 for three organists on one organ "6 hands/6 feet"
Sergej Tcherepanov, Benjamin Guélat, Sebastian Trinkl
Conductor: Matthias Giesen

22:00 Presentation of the new CD "In te Domine speravi"
featuring Günther Groissböck and Matthias Giesen (Gramola)
Excerpts from the programme of the new CD
Moderation: Richard Winter
Works by A. Bruckner, J. Brahms, Fr. Schmidt and others.

22:45 Peter King, Exeter/GB "Music from England"
William Byrd (1543-1623): Galliard III

Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924): Postlude in D minor

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809-1847): Prelude and Fugue in E minor op. 35/1
(transcr. by W. T. Best)

Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764): "Entrée de Polymnie" (from the ballet "Les Boréades"), (transcr. by Peter King)

Iain Farrington (*1977): "Voices of the World" (2023)

St. Florian Bruckner Days

Peter King (GB)

Giulia Biagetti (Italy)

Matthias Giesen (Austria)

Günther Groissböck (Austria)

Sergej Tcherepanov (Germany)

Benjamin Guélat (Switzerland)

Augustinian monastery of St. Florian, collegiate basilica 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

The young Varga Quartet is one of Vienna's leading string quartets. Together with the Florian cellist Florian Eggner, we will hear Franz Schubert's greatest chamber music composition as the main work of the evening: his String Quintet in C major. This work was largely composed in September 1828, two months before Schubert's death. It is the counterpart to Bruckner's F major String Quintet and represents a key work within 19th century chamber music. It combines Schubert's typical songfulness, tragic depth, gripping drama and dance-like joy. The concert begins with Beethoven's E minor Quartet from 1806, one of the three quartets commissioned by the Russian diplomat and Beethoven patron Andrei Rasumovsky. In between, we will hear a work by Franz Xaver Müller, Augustinian canon and Regens Chori at St. Florian Abbey. His Quartettino in D major was composed in 1928 and is dedicated to Karl Aigner (1863-1935), who also worked at the monastery as a monastery musician, copyist and assistant to Bruckner.

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827): String Quartet in E minor op. 59/2 ("Rasumovsky Quartet")
Franz Xaver Müller (1870-1948): Quartettino in D major
Franz Schubert (1797-1828): String Quintet in C major D 956

St. Florian Bruckner Days Association

Varga Quartet

Pavol Varga | Violin I

Katharina Veselská | Violin II

Peter Zwiebel | Viola

Stefanie Huber | Cello I

Florian Eggner | Cello II

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

Anton Bruckner began his musical career not only as an organist, but also as a musician of folk music. On Sundays and public holidays, he regularly played the violin in Windhaag in the inn as part of the so-called "church trio" (two violins and bass) for dancing. Bruckner himself is also said to have been a good dancer. We would like to explore these references to folk music. Three different folk music ensembles will perform in three different pubs in St. Florian for 30 minutes each and then change pubs. The groups start at 19:30 in the Stiftskeller, in the Gasthaus Wimhofer (in front of the Einsertor near the monastery) and in the Gasthof Franz Ferdinand on the market square. Guests can sit back and relax with food and drink while awaiting the next group. Look forward to experiencing Bruckner in an entertaining and completely different way.

Matthias Giesen

St. Florian Bruckner Days

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

Anton Bruckner: Symphony No. IX & excerpts from the surviving final fragments

The master began his IX. Symphony in 1887. Weakened by his heart disease from 1890 onwards, he worked tirelessly on his last composition. The first three movements are complete. Since its premiere in 1903, the work has mostly been performed in this three-movement form and is therefore known to the music world as "unfinished". Bruckner spent the last three years of his life - repeatedly interrupted by bouts of illness - working on the finale of the  IX Symphony. The piece was already very advanced in terms of sketches and elaboration and still he was unable to complete it. Only fragments of the composition have survived and it is therefore only known to a few listeners. Although it has occasionally been played by a third hand in an attempt to supplement and complete it, notes and passages in Bruckner's own hand have never been performed without later additions by others. In the first part of the symphony concert, which was moderated by Prof. Felix Diergarten (CH), some of the most important authentic fragments that originate exclusively from Bruckner's hand will be heard for the first time - naturally in fragmentary blocks. Bruckner takes on a completely new and visionary tonal language, which even surpasses the modernity of the 3rd movement. After the compositional look at the last final fragments, the entire IX. Symphony will be performed in its three surviving movements.

St. Florian Bruckner Days

Altomonte Orchestra

Rémy Ballot | Conductor

Prof. Dr. Felix Diergarten | Moderation

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

Further dates in the series

14.07.24 - 14.07.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
18.08.24 - 18.08.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
21.07.24 - 21.07.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
22.09.24 - 22.09.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
06.10.24 - 06.10.24
Dancing Stars - with Anton Bruckner on the dance floor (St. Florian)
09.06.24 - 09.06.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
29.09.24 - 29.09.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
26.05.24 - 26.05.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
25.08.24 - 25.08.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
20.10.24 - 20.10.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
04.08.24 - 04.08.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
23.06.24 - 23.06.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
27.10.24 - 27.10.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
16.06.24 - 16.06.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
28.07.24 - 28.07.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
19.05.24 - 19.05.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
30.06.24 - 30.06.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
08.09.24 - 08.09.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
15.09.24 - 15.09.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
07.07.24 - 07.07.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
01.09.24 - 01.09.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
11.08.24 - 11.08.24
Pen and stamp! Print and art workshop ( St. Florian)
02.06.24 - 02.06.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)
13.10.24 - 13.10.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)

Both youngsters and adults can develop their own creative ideas from 13:00 to 16:00 and immerse themselves in the world of Anton Bruckner and St. Florian Abbey.

THEME The holy thunderstorm: the secrets of the Bruckner organ.
The "holy thunderstorm" is what visitors used to call the large organ in the collegiate church of St. Florian. Anton Bruckner got to know it as a child and fell in love with it immediately! We explore the organ together with the collegiate organist Klaus Sonnleitner.

The Suuuperkulturfamiliensonntag is suitable for everyone from the age of 6 (some activities are suitable for children from the age of 4, please see the programme). Accompanying persons are welcome to participate. Please note that we have 20 places available for each event. If you are unable to attend or find that you do not have time, please inform us as soon as possible.

The meeting point is always at 13:00 at the exhibition cash desk.
Price: € 3.00 per person.

Upper Austria KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian

ORGAN TOUR "Behind the scenes of Bruckner's organ" On this tour, you will be able to look behind the scenes at Bruckner's organ with the monastery's organist: how does an organ work, what does it look like inside, how do the various stops sound? A few pieces will be played and visitors will be given the opportunity to try out the organ for themselves.

Organ tour (50 minutes): € 13.00 (concessions € 12.00)


St. Florian Monastery

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

Further dates in the series

14.07.24 - 14.07.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
18.08.24 - 18.08.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
21.07.24 - 21.07.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
22.09.24 - 22.09.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
06.10.24 - 06.10.24
Dancing Stars - with Anton Bruckner on the dance floor (St. Florian)
09.06.24 - 09.06.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
29.09.24 - 29.09.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
26.05.24 - 26.05.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
25.08.24 - 25.08.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
20.10.24 - 20.10.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
04.08.24 - 04.08.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
27.10.24 - 27.10.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
23.06.24 - 23.06.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
16.06.24 - 16.06.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
19.05.24 - 19.05.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
28.07.24 - 28.07.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
08.09.24 - 08.09.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
30.06.24 - 30.06.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
15.09.24 - 15.09.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
07.07.24 - 07.07.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
01.09.24 - 01.09.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
11.08.24 - 11.08.24
Pen and stamp! Print and art workshop ( St. Florian)
02.06.24 - 02.06.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)
13.10.24 - 13.10.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)

Both youngsters and adults can develop their own creative ideas from 13:00 to 16:00 and immerse themselves in the world of Anton Bruckner and St. Florian Abbey.

THEME You are more than just skin and bones. So what do you actually have in you?
Creative music workshop. With the atmosphere of St. Florian's Abbey serving as our inspiration, we will compose our own texts and set them to music. We will sing together and embark on a musical journey following in the footsteps of the young composer and choirboy, Anton Bruckner.

The Suuuperkulturfamiliensonntag is suitable for everyone from the age of 6 (some activities are suitable for children from the age of 4, please see the programme). Accompanying persons are welcome to participate. Please note that we have 20 places available for each event. If you are unable to attend or find that you do not have time, please inform us as soon as possible.

The meeting point is always at 13:00 at the exhibition cash desk.
Price: € 3.00 per person.

Upper Austria KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian

A concert for Bruckner's 200th birthday in Ansfelden. Since 2018, the International Bruckner Festival Linz has commenced every year on 4 September, the birthday of its namesake. The birthday concert to kick off the festival always takes place in Ansfelden, the place where it all began for Anton Bruckner: it was here that he was born in the servants' quarters of the school building and where he was baptised on the very same day in the neighbouring parish church.

In 2024, the well-wishers are prominent to say the least: The Cleveland Orchestra, known as the "most European" of the US orchestras, and its chief conductor, Franz Welser-Möst, who hails from Linz, will do the honours and pay tribute to the jubilarian with an open-air performance in the area between the parish church and the courtyard.

Accessible to those with impaired mobility:

Franz Welser-Möst | Conductor

The Cleveland Orchestra | Conductor

Details & Tickets

Symphonic music and dance engulf us. In the former, art is only expressed in an audible form whereas in the latter, this is predominantly visible. Approaching Anton Bruckner's 9th Symphony, for Compositional transfer inbodied "I ANTON" we worked on a translation method through which musical structures can be transferred from a time full of sound to a place abundant in movement. In this performance , we are not merely dancing to the music or its mood, but rather the forms are repeated even in the physical realm, and an attempt is made to dance with Anton beyond an end, as yet unfinished, through the movements which develop from this.

Details at

Free admission!

A project of the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024 with the kind support of the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport and the City of Linz / Linz Kultur

Silke Grabinger | concept, choreography, dramaturgy, performance, stage design, lighting design

Francesco D'Amelio, Kirin Espana, Tomy Lee Kreninger, Jerca Roznik Novak, Theresa "Ray" Scheinecker | Performance

Gergely Dudás-Simó | Rehearsal management, production management, 2nd cast performance

Ludwig Felhofer | Dramaturgy

Bianca Fladerer | Costume design

Sonja Stojanović-Aufreiter | production team, 2nd cast performance

Marie Scholze | Production team

Max Windisch-Spoerk | Stage design, lighting design

Julia Lehner | Marketing & PR

Marlene Lentner | Company Management

Fabian Rucker, Thomas Wally, Peter Androsch, Edith Braun, Remy Ballot | Outside Eye

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian
Logo of the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport

Anton Bruckner was born in Ansfelden 200 years ago, on 4 September 1824. His personal path and musical career were characterised by years of teaching and travelling in St. Florian, Windhaag and Kronstorf. Finally he took up the position of cathedral organist in Linz and then Vienna, where he worked as a professor of music theory and completed his great symphonies. In accordance with his wishes, he found his final resting place under his beloved organ in the Basilica of St. Florian.

This is exactly where the Bruckner Orchestra Linz will perform a festive concert in honour of the great Upper Austrian genius loci with renowned soloists and choirs from Linz, the Linz Jeunesse choir and the Hard Choir Linz. The programme features Bruckner's 9th Symphony and his Te Deum.

Anton Bruckner: Te Deum for soloists, four-part choir and orchestra WAB 45 (1881-1884)
Anton Bruckner: Symphony No. 9 in D minor WAB 109 (1887-1894)

Ticket sales via the box office of the Landestheater Linz, 0732/7611-400,
Advance ticket sales will begin shortly.

OÖ Theater und Orchester GmbH

Camilla Nylund | Soprano

Christa Mayer | mezzo-soprano

Piotr Beczała | Tenor

Michael Volle | Baritone

Markus Poschner | Conductor

Hard Choir (Rehearsal: Alexander Koller)

Linz Jeunesse Choir (rehearsal: Wolfgang Mayrhofer)

Bruckner Orchestra Linz

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

Bruckner's sound collective celebrates its namesake with a world-class line-up. To honour the 200th anniversary of Anton Bruckner's birth, the Bruckner Orchestra and Markus Poschner will be joined by world-famous vocal soloists for a morning celebration in the Basilica of St. Florian Abbey. The programme includes Bruckner's Te Deum and his 9th Symphony.

Anton Bruckner:
Te Deum

Symphony No. 9 in D minor, WAB 109
(no intermission)

The concert can be seen in the evening at 20:15 on ORFIII.

With the support of Oberösterreichische Versicherung

A project of the Bruckner Orchestra Linz in cooperation with the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Bruckner Orchestra Linz

Markus Poschner

Camilla Nylund / Christa Mayer / Piotr Beczała / Michael Volle

Hard Choir / Linz Jeunesse Choir

Details & Tickets

Discover the secrets and interesting facts about Bruckner with Norbert Trawöger, Artistic Director of the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO, at the exhibition "How it all began. Bruckner's Visions" at St. Florian Abbey.

Registration at:

The Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024 exhibition offers insight into the composer's life and work at the monastery for the first time. It features an array of documents from the city archives, presented in media form with audio stations and accompanied by a personal guide or digital cultural education tool. Bruckner's dreams and visions are referenced in three monumental multimedia discovery rooms in the abbey courtyard.

A project of the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024 in cooperation with the Augustiner Monastery of St. Florian and the OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian


Further dates in the series

14.07.24 - 14.07.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
18.08.24 - 18.08.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
21.07.24 - 21.07.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
22.09.24 - 22.09.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
06.10.24 - 06.10.24
Dancing Stars - with Anton Bruckner on the dance floor (St. Florian)
09.06.24 - 09.06.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
29.09.24 - 29.09.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
26.05.24 - 26.05.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
25.08.24 - 25.08.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
20.10.24 - 20.10.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
04.08.24 - 04.08.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
23.06.24 - 23.06.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
27.10.24 - 27.10.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
16.06.24 - 16.06.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
28.07.24 - 28.07.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
19.05.24 - 19.05.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
08.09.24 - 08.09.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
30.06.24 - 30.06.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
15.09.24 - 15.09.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
07.07.24 - 07.07.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
01.09.24 - 01.09.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
11.08.24 - 11.08.24
Pen and stamp! Print and art workshop ( St. Florian)
02.06.24 - 02.06.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)
13.10.24 - 13.10.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)

Both youngsters and adults can develop their own creative ideas from 13:00 to 16:00 and immerse themselves in the world of Anton Bruckner and St. Florian Abbey.

TOPIC Magical Abbey Library
Why do we need books? How are books made? Let's delve into the secrets of the Abbey Library together. Afterwards we will design and bind our own little notebook.

The Suuuperkulturfamiliensonntag is suitable for everyone from the age of 6 (some activities are suitable for children from the age of 4, please see the programme). Accompanying persons are welcome to participate. Please note that we have 20 places available for each event. If you are unable to attend or find that you do not have time, please inform us as soon as possible.

The meeting point is always at 13:00 at the exhibition cash desk.
Price: € 3.00 per person.

Upper Austria KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian


Further dates in the series

14.07.24 - 14.07.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
18.08.24 - 18.08.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
21.07.24 - 21.07.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
22.09.24 - 22.09.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
06.10.24 - 06.10.24
Dancing Stars - with Anton Bruckner on the dance floor (St. Florian)
09.06.24 - 09.06.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
29.09.24 - 29.09.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
26.05.24 - 26.05.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
25.08.24 - 25.08.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
20.10.24 - 20.10.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
04.08.24 - 04.08.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
23.06.24 - 23.06.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
27.10.24 - 27.10.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
16.06.24 - 16.06.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
28.07.24 - 28.07.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
19.05.24 - 19.05.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
08.09.24 - 08.09.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
30.06.24 - 30.06.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
15.09.24 - 15.09.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
07.07.24 - 07.07.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
11.08.24 - 11.08.24
Pen and stamp! Print and art workshop ( St. Florian)
01.09.24 - 01.09.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
02.06.24 - 02.06.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)
13.10.24 - 13.10.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)

Both youngsters and adults can develop their own creative ideas from 13:00 to 16:00 and immerse themselves in the world of Anton Bruckner and St. Florian Abbey.

THEME More than skin and bones: There is more to you.
What's inside you! St. Florian Abbey has an extensive natural science collection. Anton Bruckner was interested in the human body and its transience. The workshop uses tangible mineral samples to show which chemical components make up our bodies and how they interact.

The Suuuperkulturfamiliensonntag is suitable for everyone from the age of 6 (some activities are suitable for children from the age of 4, please see the programme). Accompanying persons are welcome to participate. Please note that we have 20 places available for each event. If you are unable to attend or find that you do not have time, please inform us as soon as possible.

The meeting point is always at 13:00 at the exhibition cash desk.
Price: € 3.00 per person.

Upper Austria KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian

Violin, piano and organ for all ages 6 and up

Like Anton Bruckner before him, the young Tobias Takacs from Weyregg am Attersee plays the violin, piano and organ, with a focus on the latter. In a presentation moderated by himself, he will introduce the composer's three (original) instruments: the violin from the workshop of Linz violin maker Joseph Pauli (1769-1846), which is usually on display in the Bruckner Room in Kronstorf and which Bruckner played in his youth, the violin normally exhibited in the Bruckner memorial rooms at St. Florian Abbey, the Bösendorfer grand piano made shortly after 1845, which Bruckner owned from 1848 until his death, and the so-called Bruckner organ in the abbey basilica with its 7386 pipes, under which Bruckner was buried at his own request. He brings all three to life with music by the jubilarian, proving not least that there are still great multi-talented musicians in Upper Austria today.


Works for violin, piano and organ by

Anton Bruckner (1824-1896)


Tobias Takacs | violin, piano, organ & moderation

Jan David Schmitz | Concept


Further dates in the series

14.07.24 - 14.07.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
18.08.24 - 18.08.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
21.07.24 - 21.07.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
22.09.24 - 22.09.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
06.10.24 - 06.10.24
Dancing Stars - with Anton Bruckner on the dance floor (St. Florian)
09.06.24 - 09.06.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
29.09.24 - 29.09.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
26.05.24 - 26.05.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
25.08.24 - 25.08.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
20.10.24 - 20.10.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
04.08.24 - 04.08.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
23.06.24 - 23.06.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
27.10.24 - 27.10.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
16.06.24 - 16.06.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
28.07.24 - 28.07.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
19.05.24 - 19.05.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
08.09.24 - 08.09.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
30.06.24 - 30.06.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
15.09.24 - 15.09.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
07.07.24 - 07.07.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
01.09.24 - 01.09.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
11.08.24 - 11.08.24
Pen and stamp! Print and art workshop ( St. Florian)
02.06.24 - 02.06.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)
13.10.24 - 13.10.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)

Both youngsters and adults can develop their own creative ideas from 13:00 to 16:00 and immerse themselves in the world of Anton Bruckner and St. Florian Abbey.

THEME Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home!
Design your own family crest! Where do monkey helmets, thunderstorms and edge cubes appear? It's heraldry! It's a fine art to talk about coats of arms and their origins. Exchange through: It is a science in its own right, through which we can learn a lot about past times, social positions and regions. Fantasy creatures such as unicorns, dragons and griffins have their place, as do everyday tools, mottoes and various colors - including silver and gold.

The Suuuperkulturfamiliensonntag is suitable for everyone from the age of 6 (some activities are suitable for children from the age of 4, please see the programme). Accompanying persons are welcome to participate. Please note that we have 20 places available for each event. If you are unable to attend or find that you do not have time, please inform us as soon as possible.

The meeting point is always at 13:00 at the exhibition cash desk.
Price: € 3.00 per person.

Upper Austria KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian

Bruckner's Mass in F minor

Psalm 90 by Charles Ives, not only the longest, but unquestionably also a highlight among his ten psalm settings, is based on a work from 1894, which he revised in 1897-98 and, as it had apparently been lost in the meantime, reconstructed in 1923-24. The fascinatingly modern sound effects that Ives gains from the unusual instrumentation, in which four bells join the choir and organ, culminate in a 22-note cluster in the middle of the piece, which is both formally strict and stringently conceived.

Anton Bruckner's Mass (No. 3) in F minor was composed in Linz in 1867 and 1868, but already with a view to a premiere in the Vienna Hofburgkapelle, which, however, could only take place in St. Augustin in 1872 with the participation of the Hofmusikkapelle and conducted by the composer, as the court conductor Johann von Herbeck considered the work "too long and unsingable" . The mass accompanied Bruckner until the last years of his life. Over a period of around 25 years, he repeatedly subjected it to minor and major revisions. A letter to the conductor Siegfried Ochs dated April 14, 1895 shows how dear it was to his heart: "Bruckner is getting old and would still like to hear the 'F minor [Mass]'! Please, please! That would be the highlight of my life."

The exquisite soloists, the Munich Philharmonic Choir, the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, which has a wealth of experience with concerts in St. Florian, and the conductor Thomas Hengelbrock, who specializes in historically informed performance practice, will ensure that the performance of this mass will be a highlight of the International Brucknerfest Linz 2024 and will be heard for the first time in a concert organized by the Brucknerhaus Linz.


Charles Ives (1874-1954)

Psalm 90 for four-part mixed choir, bells and organ (1894, rev. 1897-98, 1923-24)

Anton Bruckner (1824-1896)

Mass (No. 3) in F minor for soloists, four-part mixed choir, orchestra and organ, WAB 28 (1867-68, rev. 1868-69, 1872-73, 1876-77, 1881, 1883, 1893)


Katharina Konradi | Soprano

Eva Zaïcik | Alto

Benjamin Bruns | Tenor

Jean Teitgen | Bass

Munich Philharmonic Choir

Munich Philharmonic Orchestra

Thomas Hengelbrock | Conductor


Further dates in the series

14.07.24 - 14.07.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
18.08.24 - 18.08.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
21.07.24 - 21.07.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
22.09.24 - 22.09.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
06.10.24 - 06.10.24
Dancing Stars - with Anton Bruckner on the dance floor (St. Florian)
09.06.24 - 09.06.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
29.09.24 - 29.09.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
26.05.24 - 26.05.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
25.08.24 - 25.08.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
20.10.24 - 20.10.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
23.06.24 - 23.06.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
04.08.24 - 04.08.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
27.10.24 - 27.10.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
16.06.24 - 16.06.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
28.07.24 - 28.07.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
19.05.24 - 19.05.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
08.09.24 - 08.09.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
30.06.24 - 30.06.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
15.09.24 - 15.09.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
07.07.24 - 07.07.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
11.08.24 - 11.08.24
Pen and stamp! Print and art workshop ( St. Florian)
01.09.24 - 01.09.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
02.06.24 - 02.06.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)
13.10.24 - 13.10.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)

Both youngsters and adults can develop their own creative ideas from 13:00 to 16:00 and immerse themselves in the world of Anton Bruckner and St. Florian Abbey.

THEMA That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period
A workshop to make your own soap. The topic "Hygiene in the 19th century" offers a fascinating opportunity to combine historical knowledge with practical skills. We will discuss the differences between hygiene standards then and now. Through practical exercises, participants will learn to make soap using historical recipes and techniques.

The Suuuperkulturfamiliensonntag is suitable for everyone from the age of 6 (some activities are suitable for children from the age of 4, please see the programme). Accompanying persons are welcome to participate. Please note that we have 20 places available for each event. If you are unable to attend or find that you do not have time, please inform us as soon as possible.

The meeting point is always at 13:00 at the exhibition cash desk.
Price: € 3.00 per person.

Upper Austria KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian

St. Florianer Orgelherbst Matinée "Valuable for & by Bruckner for the 200th anniversary" Andreas Etlinger (Austria) With image transmission on screen!

Admission: voluntary donations

St. Florian Monastery

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

Further dates in the series

14.07.24 - 14.07.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
18.08.24 - 18.08.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
21.07.24 - 21.07.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
22.09.24 - 22.09.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
06.10.24 - 06.10.24
Dancing Stars - with Anton Bruckner on the dance floor (St. Florian)
09.06.24 - 09.06.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
29.09.24 - 29.09.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
26.05.24 - 26.05.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
25.08.24 - 25.08.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
20.10.24 - 20.10.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
04.08.24 - 04.08.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
23.06.24 - 23.06.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
27.10.24 - 27.10.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
16.06.24 - 16.06.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
28.07.24 - 28.07.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
19.05.24 - 19.05.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
08.09.24 - 08.09.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
30.06.24 - 30.06.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
15.09.24 - 15.09.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
07.07.24 - 07.07.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
01.09.24 - 01.09.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
11.08.24 - 11.08.24
Pen and stamp! Print and art workshop ( St. Florian)
02.06.24 - 02.06.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)
13.10.24 - 13.10.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)

Both youngsters and adults can develop their own creative ideas from 13:00 to 16:00 and immerse themselves in the world of Anton Bruckner and St. Florian Abbey.

THEME Dancing Stars - step onto the dance floor with Anton Bruckner
Let's dance the minuet together! Let's embark on a journey back in time to the origins of St. Florian Abbey. Join in and be amazed. Experience baroque splendour. Visitors can delve into the depths and discover ancient secrets or immerse themselves in the art, architecture and lifestyle of the Baroque era.

The Suuuperkulturfamiliensonntag is suitable for everyone from the age of 6 (some activities are suitable for children from the age of 4, please see the programme). Accompanying persons are welcome to participate. Please note that we have 20 places available for each event. If you are unable to attend or find that you do not have time, please inform us as soon as possible.

The meeting point is always at 13:00 at the exhibition cash desk.
Price: € 3.00 per person.

Upper Austria KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian

Ceremonial closing concert of the International Brucknerfest Linz 2024

"Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine"

Since 2018, the International Bruckner Festival Linz has ended every year on October 11, the anniversary of the death of its namesake. The memorial concert at the end of the festival always takes place in the St. Florian Abbey Basilica, the place where everything ended for Anton Bruckner, where he was buried under his beloved great organ at his own request and where he hoped to find eternal rest.

In honor of his memory, the Symphony No. 8 in C minor was performed in the "1890 version" in 2024. With no other revision did the composer change one of his symphonies more drastically, for while the repeated achievement of a radiant C major in the "1887 version" is not the "object of a tenacious struggle but of a solemnly celebrated certainty" , the second version stages the long journey from C minor at the beginning to C major at the end as a "painstakingly won symphonic triumph" and thus appears to us today as a reflection of Bruckner's own creative path. The last movement he completed forms the conclusion, in the coda of which the superimposed main themes of all four movements of the symphony are heard simultaneously.

This closes the circle, and not only in the musical and thematic sense: as at the opening ceremony of the festival, the orchestra bearing Bruckner's name will be playing under the direction of its chief conductor, the work of an Austrian composer will be premiered at the beginning, as at the end of the ceremony, and the program will include a symphony that was also performed in the same version and at the same venue at the 2018 Brucknerfest. Thus, the sentence with which T. S. Eliot's poem East Coker concludes proves true once again: "In my end is my beginning."


Klaus Lang (* 1971)

New work for organ and orchestra (2023-24) [world premiere]

Anton Bruckner (1824-1896)

Symphony No. 8 in C minor, WAB 108 (1884-87, rev. 1887-90) "1890 version"


Klaus Lang | Organ

Bruckner Orchestra Linz

Markus Poschner | Conductor

Parish and chapter service Anton Bruckner: Windhaager Mass for alto, 2 horns and organ.

St. Florian Monastery

Franz Farnberger | Management

St. Florian Boys Choir

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

Further dates in the series

14.07.24 - 14.07.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
18.08.24 - 18.08.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
21.07.24 - 21.07.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
22.09.24 - 22.09.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
06.10.24 - 06.10.24
Dancing Stars - with Anton Bruckner on the dance floor (St. Florian)
09.06.24 - 09.06.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
29.09.24 - 29.09.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
26.05.24 - 26.05.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
25.08.24 - 25.08.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
20.10.24 - 20.10.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
04.08.24 - 04.08.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
23.06.24 - 23.06.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
27.10.24 - 27.10.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
16.06.24 - 16.06.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
28.07.24 - 28.07.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
19.05.24 - 19.05.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
08.09.24 - 08.09.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
30.06.24 - 30.06.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
15.09.24 - 15.09.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
07.07.24 - 07.07.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
01.09.24 - 01.09.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
11.08.24 - 11.08.24
Pen and stamp! Print and art workshop ( St. Florian)
02.06.24 - 02.06.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)
13.10.24 - 13.10.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)

Both youngsters and adults can develop their own creative ideas from 13:00 to 16:00 and immerse themselves in the world of Anton Bruckner and St. Florian Abbey.

THEME From the field to the page! Monotypes from Bruckner's world of plants
Many plants and grasses grow in meadows, fields and gardens. These were already being used in Anton Bruckner's time. Together we will create unique works of art! Together we will also get to know Bruckner's world of plants.

The Suuuperkulturfamiliensonntag is suitable for everyone from the age of 6 (some activities are suitable for children from the age of 4, please see the programme). Accompanying persons are welcome to participate. Please note that we have 20 places available for each event. If you are unable to attend or find that you do not have time, please inform us as soon as possible.

The meeting point is always at 13:00 at the exhibition cash desk.
Price: € 3.00 per person.

Upper Austria KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian


Further dates in the series

14.07.24 - 14.07.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
21.07.24 - 21.07.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
18.08.24 - 18.08.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
22.09.24 - 22.09.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
09.06.24 - 09.06.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
06.10.24 - 06.10.24
Dancing Stars - with Anton Bruckner on the dance floor (St. Florian)
29.09.24 - 29.09.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
26.05.24 - 26.05.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
25.08.24 - 25.08.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
20.10.24 - 20.10.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
04.08.24 - 04.08.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
23.06.24 - 23.06.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
27.10.24 - 27.10.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
16.06.24 - 16.06.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
28.07.24 - 28.07.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
19.05.24 - 19.05.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
08.09.24 - 08.09.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
30.06.24 - 30.06.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
15.09.24 - 15.09.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
07.07.24 - 07.07.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
01.09.24 - 01.09.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
11.08.24 - 11.08.24
Pen and stamp! Print and art workshop ( St. Florian)
02.06.24 - 02.06.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)
13.10.24 - 13.10.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)

Both youngsters and adults can develop their own creative ideas from 13:00 to 16:00 and immerse themselves in the world of Anton Bruckner and St. Florian Abbey.

THEME Your planet, and what it's made of.
Our Earth was formed shortly after the birth of our sun over 4,500 million years ago. The components we can find on it every day have a fascinating history. The composition and shape of the rocks and soil shape us humans. We get to know some of the most important components of the earth's crust. Exhibits from the monastery's collection can be seen and felt in a way that would otherwise hardly be possible.

The Suuuperkulturfamiliensonntag is suitable for everyone from the age of 6 (some activities are suitable for children from the age of 4, please see the programme). Accompanying persons are welcome to participate. Please note that we have 20 places available for each event. If you are unable to attend or find that you do not have time, please inform us as soon as possible.

The meeting point is always at 13:00 at the exhibition cash desk.
Price: € 3.00 per person.

Upper Austria KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian


Further dates in the series

14.07.24 - 14.07.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
18.08.24 - 18.08.24
Off we go: a scavenger hunt through Anton's world. (St. Florian)
21.07.24 - 21.07.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
22.09.24 - 22.09.24
Are you geWAPPNET! Design your own family crest to take home! (St. Florian)
06.10.24 - 06.10.24
Dancing Stars - with Anton Bruckner on the dance floor (St. Florian)
09.06.24 - 09.06.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
29.09.24 - 29.09.24
That's quite something! Workshop: Soap making and hygiene in the Biedermeier period ( St. Florian)
26.05.24 - 26.05.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
25.08.24 - 25.08.24
The holy thunderstorm: The secrets of the Bruckner organ (St. Florian)
20.10.24 - 20.10.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
04.08.24 - 04.08.24
Your planet and what it's made of. (St. Florian)
23.06.24 - 23.06.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
27.10.24 - 27.10.24
Don't make a mess! Letterpress art with Lego. (St. Florian)
16.06.24 - 16.06.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
28.07.24 - 28.07.24
Make noise! Build your instrument ( St. Florian)
19.05.24 - 19.05.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
08.09.24 - 08.09.24
Magical Abbey Library (St. Florian)
30.06.24 - 30.06.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
15.09.24 - 15.09.24
More than skin and bones: What's inside you. (St. Florian)
07.07.24 - 07.07.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
01.09.24 - 01.09.24
Music in all things. Creative music workshop. (St. Florian)
11.08.24 - 11.08.24
Pen and stamp! Print and art workshop ( St. Florian)
02.06.24 - 02.06.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)
13.10.24 - 13.10.24
From the field to the page! Monotypes with Bruckner's flora ( St. Florian)

Both youngsters and adults can develop their own creative ideas from 13:00 to 16:00 and immerse themselves in the world of Anton Bruckner and St. Florian Abbey.

THEME Spill instead of chunk! High-pressure art with Lego.
Lego embodies both children's toys and playfully accessible technology like hardly any other concept. Many people are unaware of the possibility of printing with LEGO bricks. We will try this out in practice! This is a variant of relief printing, also known as flexographic printing.

The Suuuperkulturfamiliensonntag is suitable for everyone from the age of 6 (some activities are suitable for children from the age of 4, please see the programme). Accompanying persons are welcome to participate. Please note that we have 20 places available for each event. If you are unable to attend or find that you do not have time, please inform us as soon as possible.

The meeting point is always at 13:00 at the exhibition cash desk.
Price: € 3.00 per person.

Upper Austria KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian

Pontifical Mass Anton Bruckner (1824-1896): Mass in F minor

St. Florian Monastery

Martin Zeller | Conductorship

Regina Riel | Soprano

Gerda Lischka | Alto

Markus Miesenberger | Tenor

Michael Wagner | Bass

Abbey Choir

Altomonte Orchestra

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

Celebratory concert to mark the 25th anniversary of the Schola Floriana.
"Gregorian chant in the mirror of time" Motets from the Renaissance to modern times and improvisations.

Bernhard Barth | Horn

Andreas Sotsas | Tuba

Thomas Wall | Cello

Andreas Etlinger | Organ

Matthias Giesen | Management

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

Pontifical Mass Motets by William Byrd, Anton Bruckner and Augustinus Franz Kropfreiter

St. Florian Monastery

Martin Zeller | Conductorship

Abbey Choir

Stiftstrasse 1 4490 St. Florian Details & Tickets

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