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Anton Bruckner in Steyr

Place of numerous musical friendships. Support from local patrons. Multiple organ playing in the city parish church. Place of origin of the 8th and 9th symphonies.

Bruckner G'schichten from Steyr on YouTube

Program under development

Events in Steyr


Further dates in the series

04.09.24 - 04.09.24
Happy Birthday, Anton! (Steyr)

The exhibition invites visitors to follow in Bruckner's footsteps in Steyr and get to know his acquaintances. It shows how Bruckner was #HEARD in his quest for recognition and has always been celebrated in Steyr. Visitors meet the composer and #HEAR his works. Interactive music installations and contemporary compositions take visitors into previously unknown worlds of sound. The exhibition traces Anton Bruckner the man in Steyr and tells UN#HEARD stories.
Among other things, the animated film "Vergissmeinnicht or how to become an art object" by Ingrid Gaier will be shown.

Children's website
The exhibition "UN#ERHÖRT, dieser Bruckner! Music and relationship stories from Steyr" at the Stadtmuseum Steyr is accompanied by the website

Attractively illustrated, filled with child-friendly texts and pieces of music, this website is a digital place especially for children. Curious kids will find additional materials about the exhibition: a Bruckner quiz, a coloring book and his favorite recipes to cook.

Exhibition duration:
13.04.2024 - 30.12.2026

Wednesday to Saturday 10:00 to 17:00
Sundays and holidays 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Closed: 24-26 Dec, 31 Dec 2024

Town Museum of Steyr

Martin Ludwig Fiala | Curator

Sandra Föger-Harringer | Curator

Green market 26 4400 Steyr Details & Tickets

A walk dedicated to the great composer Anton Bruckner, who composed the eighth and ninth symphonies in his beloved city of Steyr. Follow in the footsteps of Bruckner, an artist and a man who, despite the difficult times, ceaselessly sought perfection and love. Get to know the life and work of Anton Bruckner from new perspectives!

Duration: 2 h
Cost: € 140.
Max. 30 guests per group
Booking: EMAIL
by phone

Ing. Wolfgang Hack

Stadtpl. 27/3rd upper floor 4400 Steyr

To commemorate the 200th birthday of the great artist, an exciting exhibition about Anton Bruckner awaits you in the Mesnerhaus of the parish church. The exhibition chronicles the turbulent events in his life, his works and the important role played by the town of Steyr when it comes to his great successes.
He spent 20 summers in Steyr, and thanks to the support of the "Steyr Consortium", he was able to refuel and recharge his creativity in the city parsonage and also compose his 8th and 9th symphonies.

Admission prices: City Museum
Individual €7.00
Group €5.00

Admission prices: Mesnerhaus
Individual €6.00
Group €4.00
Combined ticket: Individual €10.00; Group €7.00

Sale on site in the Mesnerhaus, registrations or orders can also be made via or by phone by contacting 0676 9165165.

Ing. Wolfgang Hack

Brucknerplatz 6 4400 Steyr

A cultural mediator will guide you through the exhibition "UN#ERHÖRT, dieser Bruckner!" at the Stadtmuseum Steyr.
Follow in Bruckner's footsteps in Steyr and get to know his friends and acquaintances. You will learn how Bruckner's quest for recognition was #HEARD and how he has always been celebrated in Steyr. As part of the tour, you will meet the composer and #HEAR his works. Interactive music installations and contemporary compositions take you into previously unknown worlds of sound.

Town Museum of Steyr

Green market 26 4400 Steyr Details & Tickets

A cultural guide will walk you through the exhibition "UN#ERHÖRT, dieser Bruckner! (UN#RECOGNISED, this Bruckner!). At the town museum in Steyr, you will discover the music and stories of his different relationships in Steyr". Walk in the footsteps of Bruckner in Steyr and get to know his acquaintances and friends. You will learn more about Bruckner's quest for recognition ( #ERHÖRT) and how he has always been celebrated in Steyr. As part of the tour, you will meet the composer and #HEAR his works. Interactive music installations and contemporary compositions will enchant you

Town Museum of Steyr

Green market 26 4400 Steyr Details & Tickets

TONI ON TOUR, a summer tour of the Upper Austrian Children's University with Anton Bruckner. Children can spend a day delving into the fascinating life of Toni at all of the locations in Upper Austria and experience a creative combination of science and music. A music which features old and new, classical and contemporary worlds of music. TONI, our little explorer, loves to collect musical treasures in Upper Austria. At the graduation ceremony in Stey in August, he will present a concert full of variety.

Registration: Tuesday, 04.06.2024 from 18:00

A project of the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024 in cooperation with the KinderUni

KinderUni Upper Austria (supporting organization: Institute for Applied Environmental Education)

Wehrgrabengasse 1 4400 Steyr Details & Tickets

Further dates in the series

01.02.25 - 30.12.26
UN#HEARD, this Bruckner! (Steyr)

All-day free admission to the exhibition "UN#ERHÖRT, dieser Bruckner! Music & Relationship Stories from Steyr" (10 am - 5 pm) and accompanying program.

10 am: Kids get-together "Bruckner creative"

10.30 a.m.: guided tour of the exhibition

4 p.m.: Highlight tour with curator Martin L. Fiala in the City Museum followed by a Bruckner must tasting and visit to the exhibition in the Mesnerhaus with Wolfgang Hack

+43 (0) 72525751345

Town Museum of Steyr

Grünmarkt 26 4400 Steyr Details & Tickets

Steyr was one of Bruckner's favourite towns. The town museum is dedicating the special exhibition "UN#ERHÖRT dieser Bruckner!" to the life and work of Anton Bruckner, with a focus on his relationship with Steyr. Bruckner, the man, is on display and interactive music installations introduce visitors to unknown worlds of sound. In the old sexton's house located next to the parish church, Wolfgang Hack has created a show entitled "Anton Bruckner in Steyr - Where I enjoy staying every year", which showcases the composer's life and the history of the period.

The curators, Martin L. Fiala and Wolfgang Hack, will guide visitors through the exhibitions in the town museum and the sexton's house. Bruckner cider can also be tasted.

Free admission!

A project of the Town Museum of Steyr and the sexton's house

Grünmarkt 26 4400 Linz, Steyr Details & Tickets

The Brucknerstadt Steyr honors the master with a performance of the 4th Symphony and the Te Deum.

Tickets at a price of € 30 or € 33 are available from 15.10.2024 at the VKB banks in Steyr and at the box office for € 32 or € 35.
Pupils and students receive tickets for € 15.
Tickets can be ordered from 15.10.2024 on +43 (0) 676-3206018 or

The event is barrier-free!

Society of Friends of Music Steyr

Steyr Symphony Orchestra

Wolfgang Nusko | Management

NowaCanto | Steyr Choir

women4voices | Steyr Choir

CollegiumVocale Linz

Judith Graf | Soprano

Johanna Krokovay | Alto

Michael Nowak | Tenor

Manfred Mitterbauer | Bass

Volksstraße 5 4400 Steyr Details & Tickets

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