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Anton Bruckner in Vöcklabruck

Frequent visits to his sister and city gardener's wife Rosalia Hueber. Honorary member of the Liedertafel Vöcklabruck and the social club Paixhanslia. Several invitations to play the organ in the city parish church.

Bruckner G'schichten from Vöcklabruck on YouTube

Program under development

Events in Vöcklabruck

The speical post office in Vöcklabruck will present both the Bruckner special stamp from the Austrian Postal Service and the Anton Bruckner special stamp block ,including a commemorative sheet and a special postmark from the Stamp Collectors' Association of Vöcklabruck. There will also be speeches by the Austrian Postal Service, the Mayor and the City Councillor for Culture of Vöcklabruck plus musical performances from the Vöcklabruck Music School (10 am), snacks, drinks and an exciting accompanying programme with two exhibitions in the local history centre (Heimathaus): Exhibition A. Bruckner in Vöcklabruck (Bruckner Room) and in the Lower Town Tower: Exhibition Historical Vöcklabruck.

Free admission!

A project of the Stamp Collectors' Association (BSV) of Vöcklabruck in cooperation with the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024

Dr.-Alois-Scherer-Strasse 9 4840 Vöcklabruck

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